Home Australia Virgin Airlines engine catches fire, forcing plane to make emergency landing at Invercargill Airport

Virgin Airlines engine catches fire, forcing plane to make emergency landing at Invercargill Airport

A Virgin Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing at Invercargill Airport after an engine fire.

A Virgin Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing at Invercargill Airport after an engine fire.

The flight from Queenstown to Melbourne reportedly experienced engine problems upon takeoff.

Flames were seen coming from the engine and witnesses reported hearing loud explosions.

A Queenstown Airport spokeswoman said: “Virgin Australia flight VA148 took off from Queenstown Airport at 5.59pm bound for Melbourne. It experienced a problem just after take-off and was diverted to Invercargill Airport.

A witness saw the plane flying over the area.

“It made a tremendous pulsing/throbbing noise in an engine and then shot out flames. Maybe it hit a bird?” Nick Lambert said.

A Virgin Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing at Invercargill Airport after an engine fire.

Flames were seen coming from the engine and witnesses reported hearing loud bangs.

Flames were seen coming from the engine and witnesses reported hearing loud bangs.

Virgin Australia flight VA148 took off from Queenstown Airport at 5:59 p.m. bound for Melbourne, when it was forced to make an emergency landing at Invercargill Airport.

Virgin Australia flight VA148 took off from Queenstown Airport at 5:59 p.m. bound for Melbourne, when it was forced to make an emergency landing at Invercargill Airport.

Another witness said: “It looked like it was falling down on our house.” An engine spewed flames and sputtered.

There are believed to be 73 people on board the plane at the time, and both a passenger and a crew member were reported injured after the emergency landing.

In a statement, Virgin Australia chief operating officer Stuart Aggs said: “Virgin Australia flight VA148 from Queenstown to Melbourne diverted to Invercargill Airport and landed safely following a possible bird strike on take-off. this afternoon.

The plane was met by emergency services at Invercargill airport.

“The safety of our guests and crew is our top priority.”

Virgin Australia flight VA148 landed “safely” in Invercargill at around 6:55 p.m.

A witness said news center They saw “flames coming out of the back” of the plane.

“I had a good view while I was walking along the Kawarau River with my dog, so the flames… were pretty bright,” Matt Foot said.

“The engine sounded like it was revving too much and it would do it twice, and then it would shoot flames from the back of the plane.”

The witness added: ‘I saw this repeat approximately 12 to 14 times before the plane disappeared over the side of the Gibbston Valley hill. The plane appeared to be struggling to gain speed or altitude.

He said the plane was “accelerating like I’ve never heard before,” while the initial burst of flames “engulfed the entire rear of the plane before going out.”

A passenger on board the flight posted on social media: “Believe me, I could ‘feel’ the flames as we took off.”

‘I’m sitting just behind the right wing. Full view of the light show,” the passenger said.

More to come.

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