Home Australia Nambour bus interchange fight: Wild moment, good Samaritan tried to hold stranger in MMA hold before coward allegedly punched another man and left him fighting for his life.

Nambour bus interchange fight: Wild moment, good Samaritan tried to hold stranger in MMA hold before coward allegedly punched another man and left him fighting for his life.

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A ju-jitsu trained good Samaritan has told how he almost stopped an unprovoked attack at a bus station on Queensland's Sunshine Coast on Sunday (pictured)

Wild footage has revealed the moment a good Samaritan tried to tackle an erratic man to the ground before he broke control and a coward allegedly punched a passer-by.

Emergency services were called to the Nambour bus interchange on the Sunshine Coast, north of brisbanearound 3pm on Sunday after reports that two men were assaulted.

Police found Adam Morton, 39, with serious head injuries and rushed him to hospital, where he remains in critical condition.

James William, 31, lost a tooth after intervening and trying to knock down the younger attacker.

Footage taken by a bystander shows Mr William practicing jujitsu by wrapping his body around the man before he runs away and allegedly knocks Mr Morton unconscious.

A ju-jitsu trained good Samaritan has told how he almost stopped an unprovoked attack at a bus station on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast on Sunday (pictured)

Police allege the attacker stomped on Morton’s head several times before fleeing the scene. He has not yet been found.

William said the man was “going crazy” and that he felt compelled to get involved to try to protect those around him.

“If I hadn’t known anything about jujitsu (a martial art based on grappling and submission), I would have been in big trouble,” he said. 9News.

“He aimed at some poor guy, King hit him and before I could turn around and get there, he had already stomped on his head, probably about 10 times.”

Senior Sergeant Craig Mansfield said police were “concerned” about the condition of the attacker, who appeared to be “under the influence of some substances”.

“These were seemingly random attacks on these two victims and they appear to have been unprovoked at this time,” he told reporters.

“It was a brutal attack.”

James William was able to tackle the man to the ground (pictured) before he broke free and a coward allegedly punched a man, leaving him fighting for his life in hospital.

James William was able to tackle the man to the ground (pictured) before he broke free and a coward allegedly punched a man, leaving him fighting for his life in hospital.

Police arrived at Nambour bus junction (pictured) and found two men, but the alleged attacker had already fled the scene and has not yet been found.

Police arrived at Nambour bus station (pictured) and found two men, but the alleged attacker had already fled the scene and has not yet been found.

Mr Mansfield confirmed there were no weapons involved in the attack but warned the public not to confront the man.

“He’s attacked two random people, so it’s potentially dangerous to get close,” Mansfield said.

The alleged attacker was described as Caucasian and was wearing a gray sweater, dark shorts and thongs.

Anyone with information or images of the fight is asked to contact police.

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