Home Life Style It’s a match for Jackie and Jeff on this week’s blind date: ‘When he walked in, I knew. ‘I can’t wait to see him again’

It’s a match for Jackie and Jeff on this week’s blind date: ‘When he walked in, I knew. ‘I can’t wait to see him again’

Jackie (pictured), 70, has been single for two years and has an adult son and daughter. She is looking to meet someone fun who is semi-retired and stays in shape.


Single for two years, with a adult son and daughter.

Past quotes

I was married for 20 years and then alone for eight. After a ten-year relationship ended a decade ago, I had a more casual eight-year one that ended in 2022. I haven’t dated much since then.

Pre-date nerves?

A little bit, but I figured that my partner would be as nervous as me.

Jackie (pictured), 70, has been single for two years and has an adult son and daughter. She is looking to meet someone fun who is semi-retired and stays in shape.

First impressions?

As soon as I saw Jeff walk towards our table, I felt comfortable. He was well dressed and had a charming smile. We greeted each other with a kiss on each cheek and I knew we would get along well.

Easy to talk to?

We spent three hours together, so I would say yes. We are both foodies: I am half Italian and love to cook, while Jeff doesn’t cook, but he assured me that he likes to eat! He has also traveled a lot and often travels in his caravan. He always wanted to tour France on one.

When he came in, I knew. I can’t wait to see it again

None of us want to be alone for the rest of our lives. We want someone to share special moments with, whether it’s a weekend away or just a cup of tea.

Jeff is a recent widower. I think it’s wonderful that he’s dating.

Embarrassing moments?

No, we were so immersed in our conversation that we didn’t realize what was happening around us.

Did sparks fly?

Yes, I knew it right away. Jeff is the first man I’ve met in years and really liked him. When he walked in, he just “knew it.” But at this age he doesn’t flirt; there’s no need. I appreciate that Jeff is not the type of man who resorts to obscene advances.

Jackie, a dance teacher and property renovator, found Jeff easy to talk to and can't wait to see him again.

Jackie, a dance teacher and property renovator, found Jeff easy to talk to and can’t wait to see him again.

See it again?

Yes. When we left, Jeff said he would like to see me again and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He texted me to check that he had gotten home safely and said he couldn’t wait to see me again. I can not wait too.

What do you think he thought of you?

I assumed he liked me because we got along so well.

Would your family and friends like it?

Jeff is calm, charming and attractive. There is nothing I don’t like about him.



Single for two years, with an older son and daughter.

Current role

Dance teacher and property renovator.

Would you like to meet

Someone fun who is semi-retired and stays in shape.

Jeff, 66 years old

Widowed, heartbroken for seven months. Four children.

Current role

Working part time in the supercar industry.

Would you like to meet

Someone feminine, gentle, genuine and pretty.

Jeff, 66 years old

Widowed, heartbroken for seven months. Four children.

Past quotes

I was married twice and was with my late wife for 28 years. She wanted me to find someone else. Still, I looked into whether it was “too soon,” because some women tell me she should wait two years. They tell me I’m a good catch. I just wish someone would catch me!

Pre-date nerves?

No, but I thought I’d be shaking afterwards and wondering if I’d gotten my foot in the door. My career was in sales, so I’m pretty social.

Jeff (pictured), 66, is a widower with four children. He is looking to meet someone feminine, gentle, genuine and pretty.

Jeff (pictured), 66, is a widower with four children. He is looking to meet someone feminine, gentle, genuine and pretty.

First impressions?

I was impressed. Jackie is a pretty, vivacious blonde who greeted me with a smile. As we are people who have traveled a lot, we went to receive a kiss on each cheek.

Easy to talk to?

Jackie is a polite lady who shares my passion for travel. My career was in the automotive industry, supplying parts for Formula 1 cars, and Jackie’s son recently hosted guests in Monaco for the Grand Prix. So we had a lot to talk about.

In the best way, Jackie is definitely an uptown girl.

Embarrassing moments?

No, other than my main course arrived before Jackie finished her starter. I didn’t think much of it because I didn’t want to embarrass her.

Did sparks fly?

Although it is the beginning, the chemistry between us was evident towards the end of the date. I went ahead and asked Jackie if I could see her again. Fortunately, she said that she would like to see me too. When she gave me her number, I immediately called him to check that she had written it down correctly.

See her again?

Yes I would like it very much. I’m in Türkiye for ten days and Jackie is also away. I like the fact that I’ll be tanned the next time he sees her.

Jeff, who works part-time in the supercar industry, is delighted that Jackie is equally interested in getting back together.

Jeff, who works part-time in the supercar industry, is delighted that Jackie is equally interested in getting back together.

What do you think she thought of you?

I couldn’t begin to say it. If I’m honest, she’s more elegant than I’m used to. Jackie is, and I mean this in the best way (to quote Billy Joel), an uptown girl! I wouldn’t want the comment to offend her, but she is an educated woman who has done well for herself.

Would your friends like it?

There is no reason why they shouldn’t. She is a friendly and warm woman.



REGRETS? Absolutely none.



APPRECIATED? Ease of conversation with Jackie.

REGRETS? The service.


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