Home Australia Woman has surprising encounter with wombat in her home

Woman has surprising encounter with wombat in her home

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The TikTok has 2.5 million likes and users were surprised to find out it was a wombat behind the couch.

An Australian woman shared a surprising encounter with a wombat in her home.

In a video posted to social media, the woman walked into her living room after hearing rustling noises and asked: “What the f**k is going on behind my couch?”

He then walked over to the right side of the couch and pointed the camera behind him, revealing a large wombat lying on its side.

‘What the fuck are you doing?’ she said.

The TikTok has 2.5 million likes and users were surprised to find out it was a wombat behind the couch.

The wombat was hiding behind his couch.

The wombat was hiding behind his couch.

The wombat responded by snorting and scratching the back of the couch.

The woman repeats: ‘Eh?… What the hell are you doing?’

In response, the wombat snorted again and scratched the couch again.

‘Leave my couch alone!’ said the woman.

The video does not explain why the wombat was found inside the house or hiding behind the couch. However, Daily Mail Australia understands that the woman who shared it is a veterinary student who helps care for sick native animals.

The video received more than 2.5 million likes and more than 8,000 comments and users were surprised that it was a wombat behind the sofa.

‘I definitely wasn’t expecting a wombat!’ one said.

“I would love to find a wombat eating and scratching my sofa,” said another.

Foreign social media users also weighed in: “I’d prefer this to the rat that shit all over my kitchen in Leeds last year,” one said.

Another responded: “In New York we have mice and rats.”


Wombats are short-legged marsupials native to Australia.

They can measure 1.3 m long and weigh 36 kg.

Wombats are among the largest burrowing animals in the world.

They dig extensive burrow systems with their rodent-like front teeth and powerful claws.

They have a rear-facing pouch so that when digging they do not accumulate dirt in their pouch on their young.

Although nocturnal, wombats may also venture out to feed on cold or cloudy days.

They have a very long digestive process that normally lasts 14 to 18 days.

Wombats are short-legged marsupials native to Australia.

Wombats are short-legged marsupials native to Australia.

Wombats have distinctive cube-shaped feces that they pile to mark territories and attract mates.

Wombats are herbivores and their diet includes grasses, herbs, bark and roots.

The marsupial prefers to be left alone and can become cruel when it feels threatened.

Wombats can travel 3 kilometers per night to eat grass, shoots, roots and bushes.

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