Home Entertainment The Shocking Reason One Woman Was ‘Ignored’ After A One-Night Stand, And It Has To Do With A Very Common Trait

The Shocking Reason One Woman Was ‘Ignored’ After A One-Night Stand, And It Has To Do With A Very Common Trait

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An Australian man has been criticised for ignoring a woman he had a one-night stand with after being 'disgusted' by a very common trait

An Australian man has been criticised for ignoring a woman he had a one-night stand with after being ‘disgusted’ by a common trait.

A woman named Liz called into KIIS FM’s The Kyle and Jackie O on Wednesday and explained that she had been intimate with the man named Will on their first date, but never heard from him again.

The radio duo then called Will and confronted him about why he had ignored Liz after their intimate encounter and were stunned when he admitted that “her stretch marks put him off”.

Stretch marks are caused by stretching or tearing of the deep layers of the skin and there is no easy way to get rid of them.

“Apparently she said you were a great guy, the conversation was fantastic, you were a top-notch guy, and then she texted you a week later and heard nothing back,” Kyle explained.

—I guess, Will, she just wants to know why or what she did wrong.

With Liz also on the line, a shy Will was reluctant to answer because he said he was worried about how listeners would react.

“I was scared to come out because I didn’t want to sound like an idiot, but regardless, I think I sound like an idiot,” he admitted.

An Australian man has been criticised for ignoring a woman he had a one-night stand with after being ‘disgusted’ by a very common trait

Prompted by Kyle and Jackie O to spill the beans, Will revealed that he dumped his former love because she had stretch marks.

“I just felt a little bit off and noticed I had some stretch marks, so I was bummed,” Will admitted.

“They were right on the hip and all that,” he continued. “She mentioned that she had lost quite a bit of weight and that she looked great, but that put me off.”

Clearly unimpressed with the admission, Jackie retorted: “Did you think because I had stretch marks I didn’t even deserve an answer?”

A woman named Liz called into KIIS FM's The Kyle and Jackie O on Wednesday and explained that she had been intimate with the man named Will on their first date, but never heard from him again.

A woman named Liz called into KIIS FM’s The Kyle and Jackie O on Wednesday and explained that she had been intimate with the man named Will on their first date, but never heard from him again.

Kyle tried to come to Will’s defense using the analogy of a used car.

‘If you’re at a used car dealership and you’re looking for a new vehicle, do you have to call the guy up and say, “Look, I really liked the car, but it looked like it had some panel damage”?

But Jackie wouldn’t hear of it and replied sternly: “She’s not a car, she’s a human being with feelings.”

Liz then joined the conversation and didn’t mince words when giving her assessment of Will’s character.

“What the fuck!” she said.

“Despite all the good things we’ve been through, we talk about all kinds of things, I worked so hard to lose all that weight and people still judge me.”

The radio duo then called Will and confronted him about why he ignored Liz after their intimate encounter and were stunned when he admitted that

The radio duo then called Will and confronted him about why he ignored Liz after their intimate encounter and were stunned when he admitted that “her stretch marks put him off.”

Liz continued: “It’s very empowering for him to say that. It’s not like he’s a gift from God. He has his flaws too, but we had a stronger connection than anyone’s flaws.”

Liz then asked Will if he thought she deserved a message after their one-night stand.

“Of course I did, but I guess I was just being an idiot,” Will replied defeatedly.

But things didn’t end there for Will, as someone else, Jesse, called to tell the “ghost” what he really thought of him.

“I just wanted to say that it’s a complete mess,” Jesse said suddenly. “What’s wrong with stretch marks?”

“What are you going to do when you get married and your wife gets pregnant? Are you going to leave her because she gets stretch marks?”

(tags to translate)dailymail

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