Home Australia Magistrate stunned by $500,000 NDIS package for sex offender and bizarre way he was caught spending his money: ‘Insanity’

Magistrate stunned by $500,000 NDIS package for sex offender and bizarre way he was caught spending his money: ‘Insanity’

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A court was told Adam Thomas Storch, who receives a government-funded NDIS package worth $500,000, breached his supervision order.

A magistrate was left stunned after a sex offender with a $500,000 disability package made a support worker take a friend to hospital so they could shower together.

Magistrate Ross Mack was told this week that Adam Thomas Storch breached his supervision order by failing to inform Correctional Services of his friendship with the woman, who is also on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

The court was told the woman’s government-funded support worker took her to hospital with Storch and the two showered together, smoked a cigarette and then Storch gave his friend some of his clothes to wash and $100 cash.

‘What?… You’re both in the NDIS and the NDIS worker takes you to the hospital so you can have a shower?’ Mr. Mack said, reports courier mail.

‘What kind of package is he in!?’

A court was told Adam Thomas Storch, who receives a government-funded NDIS package worth $500,000, breached his supervision order.

Police prosecutor Jordan Theed said the woman returned to the Queensland hospital the next day and the pair smoked another cigarette together.

When officers became aware of the offence, Storch was arrested in January and appeared in court via video link.

Storch’s defense lawyer, Derek Finch, said his client was on the NDIS for issues related to morbid obesity, although Storch interrupted to say he also sees a psychiatrist for mental health issues.

Mack asked what particular mental health condition and Storch responded that he didn’t know, but stated that he was taking 70 tablets a day and received a shot once a week.

The magistrate then asked him how much his NDIS package was worth, to which he replied $500,000.

A stunned Mr. Mack asked if this was per year, to which Storch replied that the considerable sum was for two years.

“Oh, that’s a relief,” Mack said, adding that the situation was “crazy.”

Storch was sentenced to six months in prison suspended for 12 months.

Storch was sentenced to six months in prison suspended for 12 months.

Finch said his client had a previous diagnosis of borderline intellectual function, mild intellectual disability and had a traumatic upbringing.

Storch interrupted again and said that he had been prescribed Ozempic and had lost a considerable amount of weight.

Storch pleaded guilty to one count of failing to comply with a supervision order under the dangerous prisoners (sexual offenders) legislation.

He was sentenced to six months in prison suspended for 12 months.

A spokesperson for the National Disability Insurance Agency, which administers the NDIS, said: ‘The NDIS is designed to fund disability-related supports that a participant requires.

‘Criminal matters remain the responsibility of state judicial systems.

“The agency works across government and relevant authorities (such as police) to take action against any identified threats.”

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