Home Entertainment Kourtney Kardashian fears her vagina will ‘fall out’ after fourth baby as she shows off her ‘huge boobs’ in tight corset

Kourtney Kardashian fears her vagina will ‘fall out’ after fourth baby as she shows off her ‘huge boobs’ in tight corset

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Kourtney Kardashian fears her vagina will 'fall out' after fourth baby as she shows off her 'huge boobs' in tight corset

Kourtney Kardashian makes a strange admission on this week’s episode of The Kardashians, after giving birth to her newborn son Rocky on last week’s episode.

Kris Jenner came to visit her 45-year-old daughter while she was preparing looks for the Emmy Awards, since her husband Travis Barker is, ‘I think opening the show I liked a Phil Collins song.

Kourtney added: “I don’t even think we’ll even stick around and watch, because of my breastfeeding schedule, before talking about her fears that her vagina will ‘fall out’ after her fourth baby…while showing off her ‘huge’ boobs.” in a corset.

Kourtney adds in a confession: “For the past two months, I’ve loved being home with the baby and I don’t want to leave. I’m starting to feel a little anxious about getting back out into the world.”

Kourtney tells everyone that she’s “still 10 pounds if I want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight,” while Kris says, “Of course you care.”

Kourtney Kardashian makes a strange admission on this week’s episode of The Kardashians, after giving birth to her newborn son Rocky on last week’s episode.

Kourtney adds in confession:

Kourtney confesses: “For the past two months, I’ve loved being home with the baby and I don’t want to leave. I’m starting to get a little anxious about getting back out into the world.

‘I’d like to go back, but I’m breastfeeding so I’m taking my time and they tell me to keep your vagina intact. You shouldn’t jump or run for about six months.’

A producer asks in confessional what it means to “keep your vagina intact,” and Kourtney explains, “Well, you can have prolapse, which is where I think your vagina can fall out.”

He Mayo Clinic defines “anterior vaginal prolapse” as “when the bladder falls from its usual position in the pelvis and pushes against the wall of the vagina.”

This occurs when the pelvic floor becomes weak or if too much pressure is placed on the pelvic floor. This can occur over time, during vaginal delivery or with chronic constipation, violent coughing or heavy lifting.’

She adds in confession, “Supposedly, there are things you can do to keep it there,” as Kris tells her, “That makes sense.” You should do Pilates.

Kourtney says, “So I’m doing Pilates tomorrow.” Yeah, I’ve just been walking. So we’re going to do the Emmys and then, did I tell you I’m going to Australia for a month?

‘Is that already happening?’ Kris asks, as Kourtney explains in confession: ‘Travis has a tour this year with Blink-182 and they’re going to Australia for the entire month of February. Our baby will be three months old, but it was always my plan to bring him and go on tour.”

Kourtney comes out in a corset, black bra and panties as Kris says, ‘Look at that body! You’re killing it!’

‘Isn’t it crazy that they can do that with a corset?’ Kourtney asks, as Kris says, “It’s crazy how the body recoils.”

Kris asks, ‘Can you breathe?’ Kourtney says, “No, but I can’t breathe when my breasts are so huge and full of milk and veins,” while Kris says, “Lovely.”

'I'd like to go back, but I'm breastfeeding so I'm taking my time and they tell me to keep your vagina intact. You shouldn't jump or run for about six months.

‘I’d like to go back, but I’m breastfeeding so I’m taking my time and they tell me to keep your vagina intact. You shouldn’t jump or run for about six months.

A producer asks in confession what it means

A producer confessesly asks what it means to “keep your vagina intact,” as Kourtney explains, “Well, you can have prolapse, which is where I think your vagina can fall out.”

Kourtney continues by confessing: “I'm definitely not going to Aspen this year. It's too soon. I do not want to go. I am breastfeeding. I can't ski.

Kourtney goes on to confess, “I’m definitely not going to make it to Aspen this year. It’s too early. I don’t feel like going. I’m breastfeeding. I can’t ski. I don’t want to be away from the baby and it’s too much.”

Kourtney adds in confession: “My priority is not to recover and get my body back in shape like it has been in the past. I remember, after having Mason, it used to be very important to talk about when you can recover. All the world would make magazine covers. I made the cover of a magazine in a bikini and stressing about following a certain diet. This time all I want is to nourish my body and eat the best foods to maintain my milk production.’

Kourtney tells Kris about her possible Emmy look: “So I think it has to be a suit,” while Kris agrees, saying that the (Yves) Saint Laurent suit “is the perfect choice” and “has a lot of it.” sense”.

Kris asks Kourtney if she’s coming to Aspen with the family, but Kourtney says, “I don’t think I can, I just think it’s too much for me.”

Kris responds, “Well, you could bring your boobs and a babysitter,” while Kourtney says, “Actually, I don’t have a babysitter yet.” I have literally been alone. Plus it hasn’t flown yet, I don’t know. Travis is very protective of the baby, and so even when we walk down the street, he says, “Bring security. There are loose dogs, coyotes, mountain lions or whatever.

Kris agrees, stating, “I wouldn’t walk around unsafely if I had a baby,” while Kourtney continues, “So I think he feels the same way when I get on a plane without him, for the first flight.” as Kris says, “Yeah, I get it.”

Kourtney goes on to confess, ‘I’m definitely not making it to Aspen this year. It’s too soon. I don’t feel like going. I’m breastfeeding. I can’t ski. I don’t want to be away from the baby and it’s too much.’

Kourtney says she’s going to finish her fitting while Kris asks her to send her a photo of the suit, saying, “You look great, wow.”

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