Home Life Style Incredible moment two men in a rowboat approach a Brit on a Nile cruise and sell him Egyptian clothing (and he can’t resist a good offer!)

Incredible moment two men in a rowboat approach a Brit on a Nile cruise and sell him Egyptian clothing (and he can’t resist a good offer!)

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The man, who calls himself Donny Knight, from Doncaster, was enjoying the view of the Egyptian River from his balcony room when two men approached the side of the boat.

A British man has revealed how he was approached by a traveling salesman in a rowboat while on a Nile cruise.

The man, who calls himself Donny Knight, from Doncaster, was enjoying the view of the Egyptian River from his balcony room when two men approached the side of the boat.

After handing over his boat to the cruise ship, the men began trying to sell him clothes, saying they had a lot of money on a Jellabiya, a traditional Egyptian tunic.

Posting on TikTok, Donny explained: “I’m in my room and someone is screaming out the window. They’ve logged on to the cruise ship.

The men on the boat then modeled the clothing they are trying to sell, explaining that there are two pieces and that the robe is available in black and white.

‘What the hell are you doing?’ Donny asked, before the man tossed the robe into his room.

The man then threw a bag into the room and demanded £100 for the dressing gown.

Donny responded with an offer of £10, which the seller eventually accepted.

Donny then returned the bag of money to the rower, before crossing the river to another cruise ship.

It is not uncommon for textile merchants to travel up the Nile and try to sell their wares.

The video quickly racked up four million views and thousands of comments.

‘I’ve seen the movie Captain Phillips… There’s no way I would have opened my door. He reportedly ran around the ship shouting “we are being attacked by pirates,” one wrote.

“I need to know what happens if you don’t pay lol,” said another.

The man, who calls himself Donny Knight, from Doncaster, was enjoying the view of the Egyptian River from his balcony room when two men approached the side of the boat.

Donny then returned the bag of money to the rower, before crossing the river to another cruise ship.

Donny then returned the bag of money to the rower, before crossing the river to another cruise ship.

Donnny then brought out the Jellabiya and negotiated the price down to £10.

Donnny then brought out the Jellabiya and negotiated the price down to £10.

‘Oh my God, this happened to me on the Nile cruise. They tried to throw a dress at me and I didn’t catch it, it fell into the water,’ one added.

“I respect men trying to make a living,” another joked.

“What is your return policy if it doesn’t fit?” one questioned.

“I would have paid £100 for that just for the memory and experience of it,” joked another.

“Chloe, I can’t believe the casual conversation that takes place under such strange circumstances,” one said.

Considered ship-to-ship salesmen, many Westerners on cruises have been contacted and videos shared online.

Donny then modeled his new clothes for his TikTok followers.

Donny then modeled his new clothes for his TikTok followers.

a travel blogger wrote recently who was resting on the upper deck of his cruise ship when he saw a street vendor approaching.

Loons, who lives in London, wrote: ‘In front of our cruiser was a small blue rowing boat with two men on board. We were heading straight for them. It would be very close.

‘Yet there was no fear on their faces. A few words were said and they got ready. It was obvious that they were used to this and were up to something.

“I wasn’t quite sure what their company was, but I ruled out piracy because this was the Nile, not the Red Sea, and rowboats aren’t ideal for a quick getaway.”

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