Home Australia Employees who earn $300,000 a year reveal what they do, but some admit they regret their choice

Employees who earn $300,000 a year reveal what they do, but some admit they regret their choice

From pilots to crane operators and even video game designers, employees have worked in jobs that have earned them a salary of A$300,000 or more a year.

Workers share careers that have earned them a salary of A$300,000 or more a year, but some say the money is not worth the stress.

From pilots to crane operators and even video game designers, employees have poured themselves into the jobs that have provided them with a comfortable life.

However, some said that while they earn a decent income, they “regret” spending countless stressful hours at work instead of enjoying time with family and friends.

A Reddit user asked those who make more than $300,000 what they do for work, and thousands were happy to share it anonymously.

One said he earns more than $360,000 as a Michelin-starred private chef.

From pilots to crane operators and even video game designers, employees have worked in jobs that have earned them a salary of A$300,000 or more a year.

‘I left the industry for this family. They are no one important. No confidentiality agreements. They just (own) a cybersecurity company. 25-40 hours a week,’ they explained.

Another said he earns up to $330,000 as a crane operator, while another earns an impressive salary as a “salmon sperm trader.”

Facials and salmon sperm injections are popular beauty treatments that apparently have anti-aging properties.

The video game industry seemed to be lucrative, with designers and marketing associates making a lot of money.

Others said they earn six-figure salaries working in the law, but warned others against entering the industry.

Many said they earn six-figure salaries working in law, but warned others against entering the industry:

Many said they earn six-figure salaries working in law, but warned others against entering the industry: “I’ve sacrificed a lot of family and personal time to make money.”

‘Divorce lawyer. Every day is another soap opera,’ one person responded.

Another said: ‘Lawyer at a big law firm. I wouldn’t recommend it.’

‘Lawyer. But I’ve sacrificed a lot of family and personal time to make the dough. Looking back, I regret the time wasted,” wrote a third.

Working as a pilot was another common career path among private jet and commercial airline captains who claimed to make a lot of money.

“Airline pilot here, they pay me well, but I do it because I love it.” “You’d be surprised how many miserable people making over $400,000 there are in this industry who are still struggling financially,” one man said.

‘Airline captain. Although it worked for dirt and ramen noodles for years,” another responded.

It’s not just corporate office jobs that pay well: many physical trades and jobs can also generate cash income.

‘Roofer. Dirty roofer. Last year he made $486,000 and only one brother on the payroll made $120,000,” one man wrote.

Another said he earns up to $330,000 as a crane operator and another earns an impressive salary as

Another said he earns up to $330,000 as a crane operator and another earns an impressive salary as a “salmon sperm trader.”

‘No leakage. No advertising, just word of mouth. It pays to be the best roofer in the state. Suck it, unlicensed roofers, and thanks to Dad for showing us the ways of the hammer.

‘I could make $300,000 this year depending on my bonus. “I’m a high-level construction manager,” said a second.

Paintless dent repair. Repair door dings and hail damage to cars,” someone else responded.

‘Construction Project Manager. It’s really a hybrid function of sales, estimating and project management. That’s the only reason I can earn so much in my area without having to travel. “There aren’t many people who can do all three effectively,” added another.

Someone said they conduct artificial intelligence research for a large technology company, while one user revealed that they are a cancer research scientist for a major pharmaceutical company.

‘Software Engineer in FAANG company (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Alphabet/Google). I don’t really feel qualified but I’m not going to leave until they fire me,’ one user responded.

‘Software engineer. School dropout. I went to a six-month coding boot camp. The first job after training camp cost $158,000. Eight years later, my total compensation is $422,000. I work from home. I work an average of less than 40 hours per week,” revealed another.

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