Home US DEAR JANE: One of my employees quit for a CRAZY reason; Now the company is trying to fire me for it.

DEAR JANE: One of my employees quit for a CRAZY reason; Now the company is trying to fire me for it.

Dear Jane, I am a 35-year-old man who manages a team of women. One of them recently resigned for a strange reason; Now the company wants to fire me for that.
  • In her latest agony aunt column, bestselling author Jane Green gives advice to a man whose job is at risk due to the actions of an employee.
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Dear Jane,

I am a 35 year old man who manages a team of four women at a cosmetics company and recently my job was threatened due to a stupid and petty incident that I am convinced was orchestrated.

I have been leading the team for five months and my transition to the company was not easy thanks to the four women who now report to me.

I felt like from the beginning they were trying to trap me and make my job much harder, and it quickly became clear that they just didn’t want me around.

The woman who held the position before me was there for years, they were all close friends, and I know the team was upset when she left to move to another state.

Dear Jane, I am a 35-year-old man who manages a team of women. One of them recently resigned for a strange reason; Now the company wants to fire me for that.

I knew I wasn’t going to be close friends with all of them in the same way, but I really tried to make an effort to get to know them all, and I feel like that was thrown in my face.

The other day, one of them got a new haircut, so I complimented her and told her she looked great.

Instead of thanking me, she simply responded with a joke about how I must have thought she looked terrible before.

International best-selling author Jane Green offers sage advice on DailyMail.com readers' hottest topics in her column Dear Jane, Agony Aunt

International best-selling author Jane Green offers sage advice on DailyMail.com readers’ hottest topics in her column Dear Jane, Agony Aunt

That wasn’t the case, nor what I said, but I ignored it and moved on.

However, the next thing I know, I’m being taken to HR and told that this woman was “so offended” by my “insult” that she’s now decided to quit, and that the rest of the team is threatening to leave. with her.

I tried to explain my position to them, but they seemed quite determined that it should be me and told me that my job is now seriously at risk.

I’m really not sure how to handle this. I know the dynamic here is complicated, but I don’t want to go down without a fight. Is that nonsense?


Lonely at the top

Dear Lonely at the Top,

We are living in a brave new world, and my irony at that description may well be ironic, a world where what used to be considered a compliment is now considered an insult and where many are now terrified of saying the wrong thing. stuff.

I have read and reread your letter, and if in fact the company asks or suggests that you leave, my suggestion is to go to an employment lawyer fairly quickly.

The dynamics don’t seem complicated to me. It seems as if he had already been found guilty and his words fell on deaf ears.

It also seems that if you are indeed fired, you may have rights. I don’t know where you stand and I wouldn’t feel comfortable advising you to do anything other than talk to someone who knows exactly what to do in this situation.

Wishing you good luck.

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