Home Australia Dad jokes are GOOD for your health. Study reveals that fathers who use humor have better relationships with their children

Dad jokes are GOOD for your health. Study reveals that fathers who use humor have better relationships with their children

As cringe-inducing as they may be, try not to roll your eyes at your dad's dad jokes. Experts say they might actually be an example of good parenting (file image)

As much as they make you cringe, try not to roll your eyes at your old man’s dad jokes.

Experts say they could be an example of good parenting.

In a new study, researchers at Pennsylvania State University found that Parents who use humor have better relationships with their children.

“Humour can teach people cognitive flexibility, relieve stress and promote creative problem solving and resilience,” said Professor Benjamin Levi, lead author of the study.

As cringe-inducing as they may be, try not to roll your eyes at your dad’s dad jokes. Experts say they might actually be an example of good parenting (file image)

Previous studies have looked at the impact of humor in a variety of settings, including the office and on dates.

However, until now there has been little research on the effects of humor on parenting.

“There’s an interesting parallel between business and parenting, which are both hierarchical,” said Lucy Emery, the study’s first author.

‘In business, humor has been shown to help reduce hierarchies, create better environments for collaboration and creativity, and diffuse tensions.

‘While parent-child relationships are more loving than work relationships, stressful situations often occur during parenting.

‘Humor can help diffuse that tension and hierarchy and help both parties feel better about a stressful situation.’

In the study, the team surveyed 312 people between the ages of 18 and 45 about their experience with humor in parenting.

Researchers found a link between parents' use of humor and how their children (now adults) viewed the way they were raised (file image)

Researchers found a link between parents’ use of humor and how their children (now adults) viewed the way they were raised (file image)

More than half said they were raised by people who used humor, while the vast majority (71.8 percent) agreed that humor can be an effective parenting tool.

Researchers also found a link between parents’ use of humor and how their children (now adults) viewed their personality.

Of the total people who said their parents used humor, 50.5 percent said they had a good relationship with them, while 44.2 percent reported that they felt their parents did a good job raising them.

In contrast, of those who said their parents did not use humor, only 2.9 percent reported having a good relationship with their parents, while only 3.6 percent reported thinking their parents did a good job of raising them.

The team hopes the findings will lead to larger-scale studies into the benefits of using humor in parenting.

Professor Levi added: “My hope is that people can learn to use humour as an effective parenting tool, not only to diffuse tension but also to develop cognitive and emotional resilience and flexibility in themselves and model this for their children.”

Worst offenders: 20 funny jokes sure to elicit groans and head shakes

  1. Elevators terrify me… I’m taking steps to avoid them.
  2. I got an email saying, “In Google Earth, we can even read maps upside down,” and I thought, “That’s just spam…”
  3. What do you call a man without pimples? Tony.
  4. My friends and I formed a band, we called it 999 megabytes. However, we don’t have a concert yet.
  5. I fought with 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. The odds were against me.
  6. I dreamed that the ocean was full of orange soda. It was Fanta Sea.
  7. I was just hospitalized for a cuckoo accident. I was put in the ICU.
  8. At university I was so poor that I couldn’t pay my electricity bill. Those were the darkest days of my life.
  9. I went to the doctor for hearing problems. He asked me, “Can you describe the symptoms?” I said, “Homer is a fat guy and Marge has blue hair.”
  10. I told my wife, “When I die, I would like to die having sex.” She replied, “At least it will be quick.”
  11. I’ve decided I want a pet termite. I’m going to name him Clint. Clint Eatswood.
  12. There are a lot of people these days who are too judgmental of others. I can tell that just by looking at them.
  13. How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? 10 tickles.
  14. Dad, can you tell me what a solar eclipse is? There is no sun.
  15. I found out why Teslas are so expensive: because they charge too much.
  16. Guess who I ran into when I was going to get my glasses fixed? Everyone.
  17. My wife blocked me on Facebook because I post too many bird puns. Well, toucans play that game.
  18. Have you heard about the new Origami Porn channel? It can only be viewed on paper.
  19. I was very angry when I ran into my friend Mark, who had stolen my dictionary. I said to him: “Mark, my words!”
  20. I used to make a lot of money raking leaves from gardens. I made it all in spades.

Courtesy of @dadsaysjokes on Twitter.

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