Home Entertainment Charlotte Dawson fears her son Jude, 8 months, may develop breathing problems or asthma after getting RSV Bronchitis twice in near fatal health scare

Charlotte Dawson fears her son Jude, 8 months, may develop breathing problems or asthma after getting RSV Bronchitis twice in near fatal health scare

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Charlotte Dawson fears her eight-month-old son Jude could develop breathing problems or asthma after a near-fatal health scare (pictured on Monday)

Charlotte Dawson fears her eight-month-old son Jude could develop breathing problems or asthma after a near-fatal health scare.

At just seven weeks old, Jude was on oxygen for six days as he battled respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchitis, and doctors told the worried mother of two that he would have died if he had been admitted to hospital one day. day after.

Then, at seven months, Jude was hospitalized with bronchitis for the second time and Charlotte, 31, soon noticed symptoms.

Speaking of the terrifying scare, he told New! Magazine: ‘(Jude) was in the hospital with wires everywhere and an oxygen mask on. Seeing him like this broke my heart, even though he was in the best possible place.

“I didn’t know anything about RSV, but they told me at the hospital that I could have died if I hadn’t brought it.”

Charlotte Dawson fears her eight-month-old son Jude could develop breathing problems or asthma after a near-fatal health scare (pictured on Monday)

Charlotte Dawson fears her eight-month-old son Jude could develop breathing problems or asthma after a near-fatal health scare (pictured on Monday)

At just seven weeks old, Jude was on oxygen for six days as he battled respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchitis, before contracting it again in February (pictured).

At just seven weeks old, Jude was on oxygen for six days as he battled respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchitis, before contracting it again in February (pictured).

At just seven weeks old, Jude was on oxygen for six days as he battled respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchitis, before contracting it again in February (pictured).

Charlotte shares Jude and her eldest son Noah, three, with her fiancé Matt Sarsfield, a rugby league player.

The virus returned again in February, but Jude received immediate attention when Charlotte recognized the symptoms.

He is fine now, but Charlotte worries that “he will now have difficulty breathing or might have asthma.”

At the time, Charlotte took to Instagram and wrote: ‘Oh guys, it’s been a crazy scary 24 hours again, with the little monkey, my little cherub.

‘We are back in the hospital. It’s like deja vu, isn’t it? With his bronchitis again.

But this time he doesn’t need oxygen. Obviously he can fight much better than when he was seven weeks old.

“Now he is seven months old, he has a lot of chest, so we had to stay in the hospital because of his breathing, his temperature was very high.

“It’s been really scary again, but I’m so happy that I can fight it better than when I was a baby, but it’s crazy that I’ve had it again.”

1712082694 6 Charlotte Dawson fears her son Jude 8 months may develop

1712082694 6 Charlotte Dawson fears her son Jude 8 months may develop

Jude is now fine, but Charlotte worries that “he will now have difficulty breathing or might have asthma.”

She shares Jude and her eldest son Noah, three, with her fiancé Matt Sarsfield, 32, a rugby league player (pictured on Monday).

She shares Jude and her eldest son Noah, three, with her fiancé Matt Sarsfield, 32, a rugby league player (pictured on Monday).

She shares Jude and her eldest son Noah, three, with her fiancé Matt Sarsfield, 32, a rugby league player (pictured on Monday).

Charlotte also admitted that calling social services twice hasn't at all deterred her from exposing it all on social media (pictured on Sunday).

Charlotte also admitted that calling social services twice hasn't at all deterred her from exposing it all on social media (pictured on Sunday).

Charlotte also admitted that calling social services twice hasn’t at all deterred her from exposing it all on social media (pictured on Sunday).


Source: www.gov.uk

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the common viruses that cause coughs and colds in winter.

The very young (under one year old) and the elderly are at greatest risk.

While most RSV infections usually cause mild illness, babies younger than 6 months often develop the most serious illnesses, such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia, which can lead to hospitalization.

Children born prematurely or who have underlying chronic lung disease and elderly people with chronic illnesses are at increased risk of developing serious illness.

Charlotte later took to Instagram to share a video of Jude and wrote: “Thank you for all your messages, love you all, thank God he’s recovering… just can’t believe he’s had it so scary again, But I’m very glad we went.” hospital. I’m exhausted, I haven’t barely slept.’

When Jude first had the illness, Charlotte dismissed it as a cold.

She rushed him to the hospital after realizing something was terribly wrong when he had difficulty breathing and changed color.

Jude was then put on oxygen for six days and doctors told him he “would have died” if he had returned a day later.

The star said in December in an interview with Closer: “It was so scary. He wasn’t feeding and his breathing slowed down and he couldn’t catch his breath.

‘Suddenly the color changed on him, he became very gray.

“They saw him and immediately said, ‘Thank God they brought him in now, because he would have died if it had been 24 hours later.'” I was in complete shock.

“When they hooked him up to the machines it was heartbreaking. He made me realize what life is about and put everything into perspective. If something had happened to Jude, I don’t know what he would have done. He is our little miracle.

Elsewhere in the interview, Charlotte also admitted that being called to social services twice has not at all deterred her from exposing everything on social media.

She explained that being open and honest with 1.3 million followers was who she is and trolls couldn’t change that.

In 2023, the family called social services for the second time, just two weeks after Charlotte gave birth to Jude.

A cruel troll lied that Charlotte had been physically abusing her children, giving them alcohol and posting naked images of them online.

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