Home Australia Baby’s first shower…and he’s not impressed!: 10-week-old Finlay wins over Glastonbury crowd looking VERY grumpy on the set of Annie Mac

Baby’s first shower…and he’s not impressed!: 10-week-old Finlay wins over Glastonbury crowd looking VERY grumpy on the set of Annie Mac

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A grumpy-looking baby attending his first rave has become a big hit at Glastonbury after the stern-faced 10-week-old stole the show at Annie Mac's opening festival gig.

A grumpy-looking baby attending his first rave has become a hit at Glastonbury after the grim-faced 10-week-old stole the show at Annie Mac’s festival-opening gig.

Adorable baby Finlay was greeted with cheers as he appeared on the big screen several times, while Irish DJ Mac opened Worthy Farm’s second largest stage with an hour-long set of dance hits on Friday.

Dressed in his striped one-piece pyjamas and ear defenders, the little lad was greeted enthusiastically over the shoulders of his father Tom Kay as special effects on stage saw his image transformed into a mind-blowing dance scene.

But despite the crowd’s love for Finlay, the little youngster seemed very unimpressed by all the fuss and noise.

“My God, this baby, what a little legend,” Mac said to the crowd of thousands when Finlay appeared again.

A grumpy-looking baby attending his first rave has become a huge hit at Glastonbury after the grim-faced 10-week-old stole the show at Annie Mac’s festival-opening gig.

Adorable baby Finlay was greeted with cheers as he appeared on the big screen several times as Irish DJ Mac opened Worthy Farm's second largest stage.

Adorable baby Finlay was greeted with cheers as he appeared on the big screen several times as Irish DJ Mac opened Worthy Farm’s second largest stage.

Dressed in his striped one-piece pajamas and ear protectors, the little lad was greeted enthusiastically from atop his father Tom Kay's shoulders as special effects on stage saw his image become a mind-blowing visual dance.

Dressed in his striped one-piece pajamas and ear protectors, the little lad was greeted enthusiastically from atop his father Tom Kay’s shoulders as special effects on stage saw his image become a mind-blowing visual dance.

She closed her performance by thanking “everyone, Glastonbury and this baby.”

Finlay’s parents insisted the youngster loved music and have now said they will play his techno moment of fame on his wedding day.

Finlay’s father Mr Kay, a 39-year-old accountant, said: ‘(Finlay) loved music so we thought we’d put him on my shoulders, he was just enjoying the vibes and then he was on the big screen and got a standing ovation – it’s amazing.

“Some people around us have sent us a video… it’s great to think that (Mac) noticed.”

Finlay’s mother, Rosie Lewis, 35, from Edinburgh, said the video would probably be played at her wedding and on her 18th and 21st birthdays in the coming years.

The couple, who also brought their 10-year-old daughter Sofia, are at the festival by chance, after winning a contest to get tickets through The Guardian newspaper.

“You had to nominate a friend who you thought was worthy of winning tickets,” Lewis said, explaining that he wrote down his partner’s name.

‘I’d just given birth in hospital and I thought I’d never win, but I might get an email saying ‘Rosie nominated you for being worthy of winning tickets to Glastonbury’ and that would make him feel good about himself; then he won them.’

Finlay attended the show with his parents Tom, 39, and Rosie, 35, and older sister Sophie, 10.

Finlay attended the show with his parents Tom, 39, and Rosie, 35, and older sister Sophie, 10.

Finlay became a hallucinatory dance image during Annie Mac's concert on Friday.

Finlay became a jaw-dropping dance image during Annie Mac’s concert on Friday.

Asked what advice she would give to parents thinking about taking their young children to a festival, Ms Lewis said: ‘Do it, you may overthink it and get discouraged.

“But bring more diapers than you think you’ll need and more vests and clothes than you think you’ll need.”

Sofia, attending her third Glastonbury since 2016, said: “And go to Kidzfield.”

Kidzfield is an area of ​​the festival dedicated to under-12s, including music classes, face painting and storytelling.

Despite the kid-friendly offering, Sofia said she’s actually looking forward to seeing the festival’s laser-charged Arcadia dance stage, complete with its new flame-spewing Dragonfly installation, which has replaced the site’s famous Spider.

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