Home Australia An Australian couple did all the right things to make sure they didn’t get scammed… but still lost $250,000.

An Australian couple did all the right things to make sure they didn’t get scammed… but still lost $250,000.

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Kerry O'Mahony and Kerry Littlejohn (pictured) were looking for the best interest rate on their term deposit when they lost their life savings.

An Australian couple has lost almost $250,000 in a scam so sophisticated that not even professional tellers detected it.

Sunshine Coast couple Kerry O’Mahony and Kerry Littlejohn had been searching for the best interest rate for their term deposit.

Thinking they had found the best deal through ING Australia, the couple clicked on a link to what they assumed was their website.

“I clicked on get a quote and I think within a day or two of doing that we got a phone call… from ING,” Ms O’Mahony said. A current issue.

A person posing as an ING employee emailed a fake quote, documents, contracts and payment instructions using the bank’s logos.

Kerry O’Mahony and Kerry Littlejohn (pictured) were looking for the best interest rate on their term deposit when they lost their life savings.

Thinking they had found the best deal through ING Australia, the couple clicked on a link to what they assumed was their website.

Thinking they had found the best deal through ING Australia, the couple clicked on a link to what they assumed was their website.

The couple went to their local Suncorp Bank branch and withdrew their money.

“He looked at (the emails) and then said yes, he seems fine, but if you’re really worried you can call ING,” Ms O’Mahony said.

Mrs O’Mahony claimed to have called ING in front of the cashier.

He said he Googled ING’s number and called 13 34 64, but contacted the scammers directly instead of the bank.

Ms O’Mahony was unaware that the scammers had spoofed her phone, meaning they had the ability to redirect her calls to impersonate ING.

He said the Suncorp teller approved the transaction and $240,000 was transferred directly to the scammers.

It is understood there were some telltale signs from scammers that went undetected.

It is believed that the account details for what they thought was an ING account were actually from a Commonwealth Bank account and the email address used by the scammers was not an authorized ING email.

Ms O’Mahony said the funds were withdrawn and then moved around the world via various IP addresses when they contacted the Commonwealth Bank about the scam.

The couple said their funds were moved around the world via various IP addresses and by the time they contacted the Commonwealth Bank about the scam it was too late.

The couple said their funds were moved around the world via various IP addresses and by the time they contacted the Commonwealth Bank about the scam it was too late.

While the couple blame the scammers for the ordeal, they believe Suncorp is also partly to blame.

“I just felt that (Suncorp’s) duty of care towards us was woefully lacking,” Ms O’Mahony said.

The couple lodged a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.

Suncorp said in a statement that the case is currently being reviewed and that they are fully participating in that process.

“Suncorp Bank understands the impact that fraud and scams can have on people,” it said.

“Together with the banking industry, we are committed to implementing the measures outlined in the Scam-Safe Agreement, including account name verification for domestic payments.”

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Suncorp Bank for further comment.

Protecting you from scammers

Always stop, think and check before acting.

Scammers rely on you missing these warning signs because you’re in a hurry, don’t want to miss out on something that seems like a great deal, or because it appears to be from someone you trust.

It can be very difficult to spot a scam, but there are some red flags to look out for:

– Scammers trick you into thinking you are getting an amazing deal or offer. They pressure you to act quickly so you don’t miss anything

– Scammers try to use your good character against you. They tell heartbreaking or tragic stories to convince you to help them and give them money.

– Never automatically click on a link or attachment you receive via email or text message. Scammers try to take you by surprise and send you to fraudulent websites designed to steal your information and money.

– Scammers don’t want you to take your time to think things through. They use techniques designed to catch you off guard and rush you, either by saying that if you don’t you will miss out or by threatening that something bad will happen.

– If a person asks you to pay with preloaded debit cards, iTunes cards, or virtual currency like Bitcoin, it’s likely a scam. Once this money is spent, you will not be able to get it back.

– If someone asks you to set up a new bank account or PayID to pay them (or pay you), this is a clear sign that you should be suspicious. It could be a scam or money laundering. Your bank will never ask you to open new accounts to keep your money safe.

Tips to protect yourself from these scams:

– STOP: Do not give money or personal information to anyone if you are not sure. Scammers will offer to help you or ask you to verify who you are.

– THINK: Ask yourself if the message or call could be fake. Never click on a link in a message. If you’re not sure, say “no,” hang up, or delete.

– PROTECT: Act quickly if you feel something is wrong. Contact your bank immediately if you notice any unusual activity.

Information of www.scamwatch.gov.au

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