Home Life Style Action plan: CIAR BYRNE’s essential jobs for your garden this week

Action plan: CIAR BYRNE’s essential jobs for your garden this week

If you are thinking about creating a new lawn or replacing an old one, the first decision you need to make is whether to sow it from seed or lay sod.


Our little patch of grass looks greener than ever after all the rain this year.

If you are thinking about creating a new lawn or replacing an old one, the first decision you need to make is whether to sow it from seed or lay sod. Seeds are more affordable but take longer, while grass is more expensive but has an instant impact.

Mid-fall is the best time to lay new sod, although this can be done any time between now and early spring.

First, you must prepare the soil by weeding well, digging the top 25 cm of soil to aerate it, and adding plenty of organic matter to feed the new grass.

Choose grass suitable for your garden. Does it have to tolerate shade or will it be in full sun? Resistant or ornamental? You can also buy ready-made rolls of wildflower grass, but it’s best to avoid those grown on plastic mesh.

If you are thinking about creating a new lawn or replacing an old one, the first decision you need to make is whether to sow it from seed or lay sod.

When it arrives, the sod should be laid within 24 hours on level ground, making sure the edges meet.

If the weather is dry, water religiously until you are sure it has established itself. New grass won’t need to be mowed until spring, giving the roots plenty of time to grow into the soil.


Plant broad beans in a sunny, well-draining location and add compost.

Plant broad beans in a sunny, well-draining location and add compost.

Broad beans are one of the delights of the beginning of summer. In milder areas, you can sow the seeds directly into the soil for next year.

Choose a sunny, well-drained site and add compost. Then sow the seeds at a depth of 5cm, with 20cm between plants and another 25-45cm between rows.


Convallaria majalis (pictured) in the Princess of Wales's bridal bouquet

Convallaria majalis (pictured) in the Princess of Wales’s bridal bouquet

The delicate white bells of the forest plant Convallaria majalis appeared in the Princess of Wales’s bridal bouquet.

You can plant the bare root rhizomes now, as they need a cold period to flower next spring. Lily of the valley prefers moist, well-drained soil in a shady location. But remember, it is toxic to humans and pets.



This attractive evergreen tree is commonly known as the strawberry tree because it bears distinctive round red fruits in autumn.

These grow from the previous year’s flowers and are ornamental and should not be eaten.

The fruit appears at the same time as panicles of tiny creamy white or pink flowers.

Ideal for pollinators, the strawberry tree has a bushy habit and prefers full sun in a sheltered location.

Its leathery leaves are medium green and its bark is reddish brown. Younger plants may need protection in colder winters.

Arbutus Unedo (pictured) is commonly known as strawberry tree because it produces distinctive round red fruits in autumn.

Arbutus Unedo (pictured) is commonly known as strawberry tree because it produces distinctive round red fruits in autumn.


My peonies this year had huge flowers but long thin stems. Am I doing something wrong?

Jack Butterworth, via email

First of all, are your peonies getting enough light? They like lots of sun and fertile soil (a neutral pH of 6.5-7 is ideal).

Try giving them a good mulch of well-decomposed organic matter. Place it in a donut shape around the plant instead of placing it on top of all the surrounding soil.

When new shoots appear in spring, apply fertilizer around the plant in the same way. Choose one that is not too rich in nitrogen, as that can be another cause of thin stems.

It is also a good idea to use supports for peonies, such as metal hoops.

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