Home Tech 4 Useful Slack Features You Might Not Be Using Yet

4 Useful Slack Features You Might Not Be Using Yet

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Slack has been It’s been keeping offices and organizations running since 2013. And while it may not have completely replaced email, it’s certainly had an impact on business teams working together.

The software has added a lot of new features over the decade-plus it’s been around, and in the hustle and bustle of work life, it’s understandable that you might not have been familiar with them all. With that in mind, I thought it would be helpful to highlight four of the most useful features Slack has recently added.

From Canvas to Lists, you should be able to take advantage of at least one of these tips and improve your Slack experience. With the time you save, maybe you can get back to focusing on getting your inbox to zero.

Create a canvas

You can create all kinds of documents with Slack Canvases.

Open Slack on the web or desktop, click the Further link on the left, then select CanvasYou can create a new document inside Slack, combining text, images, links to other areas of Slack, attachments, and more. It’s like having Google Docs or Notion integrated into Slack, and you can use Canvas in many ways.

At the most basic level, you can simply jot down some notes that you need to refer to. If you’re on vacation and need to leave instructions on how things will work in your absence, you can save them within a Canvas document instead of leaving them in a channel or conversation thread.

However, with the ability to add media and other elements, you can easily upgrade your Canvas to create a team newsletter, product brief, or whitepaper. Sharing, tagging, and collaboration tools are built into Slack’s Canvas feature, meaning you can easily give editing access to other people on your team so you can work on them together.

There is a Canvas in the top right corner of Slack channels and Slack conversations, giving you even more ways to use the feature. You can use these canvases to record important notes from a chat, for example, or to create a checklist document that everyone in a particular channel can refer to.

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