Home Australia TRACEY COX reveals the eight steps that will lead you to multiple orgasms (and promises better climaxes even if you fail!)

TRACEY COX reveals the eight steps that will lead you to multiple orgasms (and promises better climaxes even if you fail!)

Some experts say that holding your breath during orgasm increases the sensation, others say that if you deprive the brain of oxygen, it forces the blood that supplies oxygen to flow toward it and away from your genitals. (Not good: you need a lot of blood in your genitals to achieve maximum sensation.) Stock image used.

Just as many couples don’t bother trying to have simultaneous orgasms, multiple orgasms don’t appeal to everyone either.

Not everyone wants or has time for the long, endless sex session that is often necessary to produce them.

But even if you don’t think multiple pregnancies are for you, doing the following will result in better orgasm quality, and who doesn’t want more of that?

Here goes…

1. How you breathe is important

Some experts say that holding your breath during orgasm increases the sensation, others say that if you deprive the brain of oxygen, it forces the blood that supplies oxygen to flow toward it and away from your genitals. (Not good: you need a lot of blood in your genitals to achieve maximum sensation.)

Continuing to breathe deeply during orgasm is recommended by spiritual sex devotees, who claim it means you’re more likely to be able to have a second.

While even more experts say that if you want to feel your orgasm over a wider area, start with regular deep breaths and then start panting just before you orgasm. Who is right? It’s all about what works for you, so try them all.

Some experts say that holding your breath during orgasm increases the sensation, others say that if you deprive the brain of oxygen, it forces the blood that supplies oxygen to flow toward it and away from your genitals. (Not good: you need a lot of blood in your genitals to achieve maximum sensation.) Stock image used.

Some experts say that holding your breath during orgasm increases the sensation, others say that if you deprive the brain of oxygen, it forces the blood that supplies oxygen to flow toward it and away from your genitals. (Not good: you need a lot of blood in your genitals to achieve maximum sensation.) Stock image used.

2. Know your anatomy

Most orgasms follow a similar pattern. But they vary enough between individuals to ensure that we all have our own “orgasm fingerprint.”

One theory about the female orgasm is that there are two different nerves responsible for the two different “basic” orgasms (clitoris and frontal wall).

The pudendal nerve goes to the clitoris and the pelvic nerve goes to the vagina and uterus.

Because the pudendal has more nerve endings, this could be the reason why women have more clitoral orgasms than vaginal ones.

The two nerves overlap in the spinal cord, which may explain why women can have “combined” orgasms (clitoris and frontal wall simultaneously).

3. Take control of what you can

Several factors seem to influence whether women have multiple, vaginal orgasms: the strength of their PC muscles (more on this later), the sensitivity of their front vaginal wall (the part under their belly), and the motivation to keep trying different ones. stimulations and orgasms. triggers.

You have control over most of these factors and one other crucial one.

The more ways you have to reach orgasm (through masturbation, oral, wall-to-head, etc.), the more likely you are to have multiple orgasms.

Not everyone wants or has time for the long, drawn-out sex session that is often necessary to produce them, says Tracey Cox (pictured).

Not everyone wants or has time for the long, drawn-out sex session that is often necessary to produce them, says Tracey Cox (pictured).

If you have a (bad) habit of having most of your orgasms through the same medium (your partner’s tongue, fingers, or a vibrator), start changing it.

Stop having orgasms the usual way and just use a different technique. It takes time to retrain your body, but it will happen.

4. Get to training

You know what’s coming. Yes, they are ‘kegels’. An exercise routine for the muscles inside the vagina.

The PC muscle supports the pelvic floor and produces “spasms” during orgasm.

Like the rest of your body, if it’s toned and fit, it works better: pumping even more blood to the pelvis (great for arousal) and producing stronger contractions (which produce longer, more intense orgasms).

Yes, it’s just another thing to add to your “to do” list, but fortunately, the exercises last just a few minutes and you can do them anywhere.

Simply squeeze the muscle you use to hold in urine, hold for two seconds, and then release. Do this 20 times, three times a day.

5. Practice ‘peaking’ techniques

Peaking involves reaching almost the point of orgasm, waiting for the arousal to subside, and then going back up.

This trains you to stay in a high state of arousal, following a “wave” orgasm pattern, rather than one that starts from the bottom and steadily rises.

Not only does this optimize the release of endorphins, which feel amazing, but it also teaches your body to stay in a virtually permanent orgasmic pleasure zone, capable of reaching orgasm again and again.

6. Take your time

The longer the action, the stronger the reaction.

There is good evidence that the strength of your orgasm depends on the duration of foreplay and other erotic stimuli involved.

While most of us can masturbate to orgasm in a few minutes (especially when using a vibrator), it feels more satisfying during partnered sex when you’ve been in the “plateau” stage (the stage after arousal). and before orgasm) before dumping. .

There is good evidence that the strength of your orgasm depends on the duration of foreplay and other erotic stimuli involved. Stock image used

There is good evidence that the strength of your orgasm depends on the duration of foreplay and other erotic stimuli involved. Stock image used

What is a multiple orgasm?

There is no official definition, but all orgasms that fall into the following categories would qualify.

Consecutive orgasms: Orgasms that occur in rapid succession, a few seconds or a few minutes apart.

sequential orgasms: Orgasms that are spaced out over time. You climax, stop the stimulation for a moment, and then continue with another.

prolonged orgasms: You remain in a continuous state of orgasmic pleasure for a prolonged period.

Do women have more multiple orgasms than men?

Yes. The reason is that we don’t have a “refractory period,” the recovery phase after orgasm when it is physically impossible to have another orgasm.

About 10 to 15 percent of women experience multiple orgasms on a regular basis; between 30 and 50 percent say they have experienced one at least once. Only five to ten percent of men report having experienced multiple orgasms.

7. Deliberately develop orgasm triggers

The more your brain travels a certain path neurologically, the easier it becomes.

Curling your lips upward lets the brain know you’re happy, which triggers the release of serotonin, a hormone that makes you feel happy as well as look happy. The more signals of impending orgasm your brain can recognize, the easier it will trigger the orgasmic response.

Focus on what you do naturally as you approach orgasm and then exaggerate. If you breathe harder and faster, breathe even harder the next time you’re about to climax. If you notice yourself tensing your toes and tilting your head back, do it.

It gets to the point where your brain thinks ‘Aha! Deep, heavy breathing combined with flexing your toes means you are about to orgasm. Better then get to work and make it happen!’

Do this and the orgasm will become spontaneous and effortless.

8. Use different stimulation for each orgasm

After your first orgasm, your body may become temporarily desensitized to the form of stimulation you are using. If you have your first sexual intercourse, you are more likely to have another one through oral sex than through more penetrative sex because you are stimulating a different area.

A third could be achieved by masturbating; will be the hardest to achieve, so call the expert (you).

Combining different types of stimulation is usually the key to causing multiple orgasms. Use a vibrator together with your partner’s fingers; Add fingers to tongue stimulation. Anything that adds an extra erotic jolt can work.

Visit traceycox.com for information about Tracey’s podcast (SexTok with Tracey and Kelsey), her range of products (sold through Lovehoney) and practical information on sex and relationships.

Why don’t multiple orgasms occur naturally?

They do for some people, and they may be for you too, at the beginning of a relationship, when desire is very high.

As your bodies get used to each other, the hormones that make sex more intense begin to decrease. Evolution has done its part: you have had many sexual relations with this person and, hopefully, you have had a baby.

If one orgasm becomes more work for some people over time, having two is harder for almost all of us.

Once you’ve been “relieved,” our nerve endings become numb, we are often emotionally satisfied, and our bodies begin to flood with hormones designed to make us believe that once is enough. While you may want to make love all night, your body probably doesn’t want it.

Researchers at a German university believe that prolactin, the hormone linked to sperm and breast milk production, may flood the body after orgasm, signaling to the body that it has had enough.

By measuring hormone levels in women who had been asked to masturbate to orgasm (don’t quit your day job, research subjects are paid a pittance), the researchers discovered an increase in several hormones, but the increase in prolactin was the most dramatic and prolonged. .

Since prolactin regulates dopamine (the neurotransmitter that plays a role in regulating pleasure and pain), it could be that this increase acts as a kind of “off switch” that tells the brain it’s time to sleep instead. of more action. Since both sexes release prolactin, it is believed that the same process occurs in men as well.

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