Home US The outrageous claims by Putin that Carlson let slip by: Poland started WWII, Russia ‘owns Ukraine’ and its a satellite for the US and CIA blew up Nord Stream

The outrageous claims by Putin that Carlson let slip by: Poland started WWII, Russia ‘owns Ukraine’ and its a satellite for the US and CIA blew up Nord Stream

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During the two-hour, seven-minute interview, Russian President Vladimir Putin went from one outlandish claim to another, including the suggestion that Poland started World War II and that the CIA blew up the Nord Stream oil pipelines.

Vladimir Putin’s interview with Tucker Carlson was packed with explosive revelations.

But equally shocking were his outrageous claims on several controversial topics that went virtually unchallenged by his host.

During the two-hour, seven-minute interview, the Russian leader jumped from one outlandish claim to another, including the suggestion that Poland started World War II and that the CIA blew up the Nord Stream oil pipelines.

His wild comments came during the highly anticipated interview that took place Thursday night. White House communications coordinator John Kirby warned Americans to “believe nothing” before its release.

But it appears the council overlooked Carlson when it refused to investigate several wild claims. Here DailyMail.com looks at some of the misinformation spread by the Russian leader.

During the two-hour, seven-minute interview, Russian President Vladimir Putin went from one outlandish claim to another, including the suggestion that Poland started World War II and that the CIA blew up the Nord Stream oil pipelines.

Poland started World War II.

At first, Putin seemed to demonstrate a deep knowledge of his region’s history, with Carlson even praising his “encyclopedic knowledge.”

But when it came to World War II, his understanding seemed somewhat skewed.

The Russian leader blamed Poland for starting the global conflict by working with German leader Adolf Hitler. He cited the German invasion of Poland as proof that it was his fault.

“So before World War II, Poland collaborated with Hitler,” Putin stated. ‘And although he did not give in to Hitler’s demands, he participated in the partition of Czechoslovakia along with Hitler, as the Poles had not ceded the Danzig corridor to Germany and went too far, pushing Hitler to start World War II by attacking them. .

The Russian leader blamed Poland for starting the global conflict by working with German leader Adolf Hitler. He cited the German invasion of Poland as proof that it was his fault.

The Russian leader blamed Poland for starting the global conflict by working with German leader Adolf Hitler. He cited the German invasion of Poland as proof that it was his fault.

In reality, historians attribute the start of World War II to the Nazis' decision to invade neighboring countries due to Hitler's aggressive expansionism. Pictured: Hitler shortly after the invasion of Poland in 1939.

In reality, historians attribute the start of World War II to the Nazis’ decision to invade neighboring countries due to Hitler’s aggressive expansionism. Pictured: Hitler shortly after the invasion of Poland in 1939.

‘Why was it Poland against whom the war began, on September 1, 1939? Poland turned out to be intransigent and Hitler had no choice but to start implementing his plans with Poland.’

In reality, historians attribute the start of World War II to the Nazis’ decision to invade neighboring countries due to Hitler’s aggressive expansionism.

His decision to invade Poland came after he sent troops to occupy Austria and annexed Czechoslovakia without reproach from the international community, which many believe paved the way for his subsequent invasion.

Russia “owns” Ukraine

One of Putin’s main justifications for war in Ukraine is his fundamental belief that the country belongs to Russia.

He cited the creation of the USSR as the point of establishment of Ukraine.

“After the victory in the Great Patriotic War, as we call the Second World War, all those territories were finally consecrated as belonging to Russia, to the USSR,” Putin explained.

One of Putin's main justifications for war in Ukraine is his fundamental belief that the country belongs to Russia.

One of Putin’s main justifications for war in Ukraine is his fundamental belief that the country belongs to Russia.

Ukraine actually declared independence from Russia in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR. Historically, the country has also been governed by Lithuania and Poland, neither of which attempt to assert rights over the country. In the photo: A couple walks near the rubble of destroyed buildings in Kupiansk, Kharkiv region, Ukraine.

Ukraine actually declared independence from Russia in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR. Historically, the country has also been governed by Lithuania and Poland, neither of which attempt to assert rights over the country. In the photo: A couple walks near the rubble of destroyed buildings in Kupiansk, Kharkiv region, Ukraine.

«As for Poland, it received, apparently in compensation, the lands that had originally been German. The eastern parts of Germany. These are now western lands of Poland. Of course, Poland regained access to the Baltic Sea and Danzig.

‘Which once again received its Polish name. That’s how this situation developed.

“In 1922, when the USSR was being established, the Bolsheviks began to build the USSR and established Soviet Ukraine, which had never existed before.”

Ukraine actually declared independence from Russia in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR.

Historically, the country has also been governed by Lithuania and Poland, neither of which attempt to assert rights over the country.

However, Carlson’s only response to the 30-minute monologue was “Right.”

Ukraine is a satellite of the United States.

“Ukraine is obviously a satellite state of the United States,” Putin declared. ‘It is obvious. I don’t want you to take it as if I’m looking for a strong word or an insult.’

The Russian leader cited the United States’ continued financial support for the war-torn country as proof of his claim.

The Russian leader cited continued US financial support for the war-torn country as proof of his claim that Ukraine is a US satellite.

The Russian leader cited continued US financial support for the war-torn country as proof of his claim that Ukraine is a US satellite.

But while Ukrainian President Vlodomyr Zelenskyy thanked the United States for its $75 billion in support, he emphasized that the conflict revolves around Ukrainian sovereignty. Pictured is Zelenskyy addressing Congress in 2022.

But while Ukrainian President Vlodomyr Zelenskyy thanked the United States for its $75 billion in support, he emphasized that the conflict revolves around Ukrainian sovereignty. Pictured is Zelenskyy addressing Congress in 2022.

Zelenskyy appears in the Oval Office with President Joe Biden during a visit to Washington, DC, in December 2023.

Zelenskyy appears in the Oval Office with President Joe Biden during a visit to Washington, DC, in December 2023.

‘Tens of billions of dollars go to Ukraine. “There is a huge influx of weapons,” Putin said.

But while Ukrainian President Vlodomyr Zelenskyy thanked the United States for its $75 billion in support, he emphasized that the conflict revolves around Ukrainian sovereignty.

‘For me, as president, a just peace does not imply compromises regarding the sovereignty, freedom and territorial integrity of my country. Revenge for all the damage caused by Russian aggression,” Zelenskyy said in December 2022.

The CIA blew up Nord Stream

The culprit behind the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions has been the subject of heated controversy since they occurred in September 2022.

The attack came as Europe sought to disconnect from Russian energy sources following the Kremlin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and contributed to tensions that followed the start of the war.

But Putin was unequivocal in placing the blame squarely on the CIA.

When Carlson asked the Russian president who blew up Nord Stream, he replied: “Surely so.”

“I was busy that day. I didn’t blow up Nord Stream. But thanks,” Carlson joked.

Putin said: “You personally may have an alibi, but the CIA has no such alibi.”

Carlson then asked if he had any evidence that NATO or the CIA were responsible for the attack, but Putin refused to provide it.

“You know, I won’t go into details, but people always say in these cases to look for someone who is interested,” Putin said.

Putin was unequivocal in placing blame squarely on the CIA for the Nord Stream pipeline explosions.

Putin was unequivocal in placing blame squarely on the CIA for the Nord Stream pipeline explosions.

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“But in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also someone who has capabilities, because there may be many people interested, but not all of them are capable of sinking to the bottom of the Baltic Sea and carrying out this explosion .’

‘These two components should be connected. Who is interested and who is capable of doing it,” said the Russian president.

Tucker pressed Putin: “If you had evidence and presumably gave your security or Intel services, you would say that NATO, the US, the CIA and the West did this, why wouldn’t you present it and have a propaganda victory ?”

“In the propaganda war, it is very difficult to defeat the United States because the United States controls all the media in the world and many European media,” Putin responded.

The US government has strongly denied accusations of involvement in the attack on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 oil pipelines.

Suspicion has fallen most strongly in Ukraine, where officials had opposed the project for years, claiming it would empower Russia by allowing it to sell more gas to Europe.

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