Home Money The Consumer Champion’s Guide to Getting What You Want: This is Money Podcast

The Consumer Champion’s Guide to Getting What You Want: This is Money Podcast

The Consumer Champion's Guide to Getting What You Want: This is Money Podcast

This is Money consumer advocate Helen Crane celebrated the 100th edition of her Crane column this week in the Case column.

Helen has recovered over £1.2 million for readers across all those columns and has learned a thing or two along the way about how to combat consumer problems and poor customer service.

In this podcast, he discusses big wins, satisfying wins, the worst cases of bad customer service, and gives advice on how to get what you want.

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Also on the programme, Georgie Frost, Lee Boyce and Simon Lambert discuss whether working parents could be missing out by not claiming child benefit now that the rules have changed and more people can get it.

Also, if you owe tax on savings interest but don’t have to file a tax return, how will HMRC find out?

Is Scottish Mortgage worth backing as the stock recovers but remains significantly below its peak?

And finally, Charles Stanley’s Dan Beecroft joins the show to explain the 50-30-20 budget and why people love this rule of thumb for spending and saving.

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