Home Entertainment The Block bidder Adrian Portelli shocks with his latest outrageous purchase and bizarre holiday wish list

The Block bidder Adrian Portelli shocks with his latest outrageous purchase and bizarre holiday wish list

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The Block's poster boy Adrian Portelli has once again captured the public's attention with his latest outrageous antics. Portelli took to Instagram to share a list of highlights from his recent holiday.

Block bidder Adrian Portelli has once again captured the public’s attention with his latest outrageous antics.

Portelli took to Instagram to share a list of highlights from her recent vacation.

The list included five shocking moments from his trips around the world on his private plane.

Topping the list was, of course, “fly around the world in my own plane.”

The second highlight was the delivery of his custom-made Lamborghini yacht, which he happily cruised along the French Riviera.

“Receiving the Lambo yacht and cruising the French Riviera on it,” he wrote, accompanied by photos of the sleek vessel cruising through the blue waters.

In third place was the acquisition of one of his all-time favourite cars, a McLaren SLR 722.

Portelli’s excitement was palpable as he shared images of himself behind the wheel.

The Block’s bidder Adrian Portelli has once again captured the public’s attention with his latest outrageous antics. Portelli took to Instagram to share a list of highlights from his recent holiday.

The list included the acquisition of one of his all-time favorite cars, a McLaren SLR 722

The list included the acquisition of one of his all-time favorite cars, a McLaren SLR 722

However, it was the fourth highlight that really shocked everyone, as she revealed that she bought “a T-Rex foot.”

Portelli now owns a Tyrannosaurus Rex fossil, which he proudly displayed in a photograph with his young son for scale.

The absurdity of the purchase did not go unnoticed by her followers, who flooded the post with a mix of astonishment and humor.

Topping the list was, of course,

Topping the list was, of course, “fly around the world in my own plane.”

The fourth highlight was what really surprised everyone as she revealed that she had purchased

The fourth highlight was what really shocked everyone, as he revealed that he had bought “a T-Rex foot.” Portelli now owns a Tyrannosaurus Rex fossil, which he proudly displayed in a photograph featuring his baby son so that the scale could be compared.

Portelli concluded her post with some advice for her followers: “Dream big, family. Life is what you make of it.”

Adrian recently upgraded from an $800,000 sports car to a $40,000 Audi after receiving complaints that he was flaunting his lavish lifestyle.

He shared a snap of himself next to his modest Audi, which had a fun sticker on the rear window that read: “My other car is a Lamborghini.”

The car fanatic captioned the photo with some telling words: “A couple people got bitter about my recent vehicle purchases. So I decided to tone it down and drive my little Audi A1 for a while.”

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