Home Travel Pictured: Poland’s mysterious modern fairytale castle, built on an artificial island in a lake. What’s its purpose? Nobody seems to know…

Pictured: Poland’s mysterious modern fairytale castle, built on an artificial island in a lake. What’s its purpose? Nobody seems to know…

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A gigantic modern fairytale castle has been built in Poland. Stobnica Castle features impressive towers, turrets and massive stone walls.

A giant modern fairytale castle has been built in Poland, taking the country by surprise.

Construction on the mysterious Stobnica Castle began in 2015, but there was no publicity surrounding the building and the general public in Poland remained unaware of its existence until images of the massive structure went viral in 2018.

Today, the castle is almost complete and photographs show that it is an impressive sight to behold.

Stobnica boasts impressive towers, turrets and massive stone walls. It is currently over 70 metres high and about 200 metres long, according to its website.

The castle is situated on an artificial island, created as part of its construction, on the outskirts of the Notecka Forest in western Poland, an hour from Poznan.

A gigantic modern fairytale castle has been built in Poland. Stobnica Castle features impressive towers, turrets and massive stone walls.

Construction on Stobnica Castle began in 2015, but the general public was unaware of it until images of the massive structure went viral in 2018.

Construction on Stobnica Castle began in 2015, but the general public was unaware of it until images of the massive structure went viral in 2018.

Although the castle itself is still under construction, visitors are welcome to explore the surrounding area. Tickets for nearby trails can be purchased at the castle. websitefrom 30 PLN (£5.90).

During the trip, visitors can walk along the ‘Stobinica Castle Forest Educational Trail’ and appreciate the castle’s amazing architecture up close.

An Instagram account dedicated to the castle (@stobnica.zamek) shows people enjoying the picturesque surroundings.

Visitors have been pictured exploring the castle’s lake in medieval-style boats, even reaching out to touch its massive walls, while others have been snapped taking part in medieval-themed activities such as archery or catapult shooting.

Other photographs show guests dressed in medieval garb, wielding shields and reenacting period battles.

The castle is situated on an artificial island on the outskirts of the Notecka Forest in western Poland.

The castle is situated on an artificial island on the outskirts of the Notecka Forest in western Poland.

The castle is currently more than 70 metres high and about 200 metres long.

The castle is currently more than 70 metres high and about 200 metres long.

Although the castle itself is still under construction, visitors are welcome to explore the surrounding area. This photograph was taken several years ago.

Although the castle itself is still under construction, visitors are welcome to explore the surrounding area. This photograph was taken several years ago.

The castle’s purpose is unclear at this time, and although it has been under construction for nearly a decade, there is little public information about its developers.

The castle describes itself as a “residential building” on its website, and some sources claim it is linked to doctor and businessman Pawel N. However, there has been speculation that the castle could be turned into a luxury hotel.

The castle is currently embroiled in an ongoing legal process, reports Polish magazine ‘Architecture and Business‘ to determine the use of the castle with allegations that the developers violated environmental regulations during its construction.

There is currently no confirmed date for when the castle will be completed.

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