Home Australia Model Reveals Terribly Inappropriate Question She Says Nurse Asked Her 10-Year-Old Daughter After Taking Her to the Hospital for a Cat Bite

Model Reveals Terribly Inappropriate Question She Says Nurse Asked Her 10-Year-Old Daughter After Taking Her to the Hospital for a Cat Bite

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Robin O'Malley, a model and radio show co-host, shared the strange interaction that occurred after nurses at an unnamed hospital asked her to leave the room to ask her daughter questions.

A model has revealed the shockingly inappropriate questions she says a nurse asked her 10-year-old daughter after she took her to hospital for a cat bite.

Robin O’Malley, model and radio show co-host, shared the strange interaction that occurred after nurses asked her to leave the room to ask her daughter questions. Her mother did not reveal the name of the hospital where the incident occurred.

During a recent episode of The Outlaws Radio Show, O’Malley sat down with his other fellow co-hosts and said the topic of the conversation is “very triggering,” especially for parents.

As she began to tell the story, O’Malley spoke hesitantly and revealed that nurses at the unnamed hospital asked her daughter if she was sexually active and if she had ever drunk or smoked.

“I’ve worked so hard to protect her, only to have these nurses ruin her innocence in a split second when all we did was go to the hospital for a cat bite,” O’Malley said.

Robin O’Malley, a model and radio show co-host, shared the strange interaction that occurred after nurses at an unnamed hospital asked her to leave the room to ask her daughter questions.

“I’m not going to say which hospital,” the mother said, adding that her daughter was admitted to the pediatric ward.

She then went over the “normal questions” that nurses and doctors ask patients, including whether they feel like hurting themselves or feel safe at home.

“And then these nurses asked me to leave the room for a moment so they could ask my daughter some questions.”

“I was thinking that they were going to ask those same questions that I just listed, and those were not, in fact, the questions that were asked of her,” O’Malley said.

The model said that her daughter is still an ‘innocent’, ‘normal’ girl, who ‘doesn’t try to act older than her age.’

O’Malley said: “So these nurses asked my 10-year-old daughter if she was having sex, if she was drinking and smoking.”

After questioning her daughter, O’Malley said one of the nurses left the room and told her “she may have opened a Pandora’s box.”

‘And I said, “What do you mean?”

“And she said, ‘Uh, I asked her if she was having sex and she was very confused about what I asked her, so now she’s a little curious,'” O’Malley recalled.

The mother then entered the room where she was “immediately” greeted by her daughter, who asked her, “Mommy, what is sex?”

‘Ah OK. So now I’m very angry. I am very, very, very upset that my innocent 10 year old daughter, who I fought so hard to protect her innocence from this already crazy world, only to have her innocence ruined by these nurses in a split second when we all did. “She was going to the hospital for a cat bite,” O’Malley explained.

“Wow,” one of her co-hosts responded.

She then detailed how the questions the nurses asked her didn’t sit well with her.

“I think that’s a problem because it’s not like they asked him that because they felt something was wrong,” O’Malley said.

“They asked him that because now, apparently, this is a new thing that hospitals are asking kids as young as seven.”

“And they don’t tell the parents beforehand.”

O'Malley (center) said nurses 'ruined' her daughter's innocence when they asked her those questions

O’Malley (center) said nurses ‘ruined’ her daughter’s innocence when they asked her those questions

The mother (right) said a friend who works at the hospital told her that new protocols for asking such questions to children seven and older

The mother (right) said a friend who works at the hospital told her that new protocols for asking such questions to children seven and older

After a brief moment of silence, his co-host Darvio ‘Kingpen’ Morrow said: ‘Yes, that’s outrageous. “That is absolutely scandalous.”

‘The fact that they thought it was a good idea to do this, and the fact that they did it, the most important thing is that not only did they do this with a 10-year-old, but they did it without telling you first,’ he added.

“Because you could have told them, ‘Yeah, don’t do that,'” Morrow said.

“Correct,” O’Malley responded.

“And the fact that they did it without your consent… it’s crazy.”

O’Malley said she was left “absolutely furious” and “distraught” by the interaction.

“I’m pretty sure there was smoke coming out of my ears, like I was overheated,” she said.

The radio co-host said she never saw the nurse again after she asked her daughter those questions.

Morrow then said the whole situation would have been different if O’Malley’s daughter was in the hospital for something having to do with that “region.”

“It was like a cat bite,” he said, laughing before adding, “What are we doing?”

The frustrated mother said that after the awkward exchange, she told a friend who works at that hospital.

“She said, ‘Unfortunately, they make us ask that question now, starting at age seven,'” O’Malley said.

“And I thought, that’s really fucked up.”

“That nurse destroyed that part of her innocence,” he added.

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