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Learning to live with Google’s AI overviews

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Learning to live with Google's AI overviews

Michael Calore: Nice.

Lauren Goode: Yes. So I recommend Technology.

Michael Calore: Nice. Both embracing technology and painting a dark future, like this show.

Lauren Goode: And I think this could be our new slogan. I like this. Let’s do a workshop on this. Mike, what’s your recommendation?

Michael Calore: I also recommend a book. It’s a new book. Is called Neu Klang: The definitive history of Krautrock By Cristoph Dallach. Krautrock, a terrible name, a terrible name, but over the years it has evolved into something of a term of affection for music made by German bands from the mid-60s to the mid-80s, maybe beyond , but I’d say that’s generous.

Bands like Can, I’m never sure how to pronounce that, but CAN, Can, Kraftwerk, Faust, Neu!, bands you’ve probably heard of if you like weird rock. Anyway, it is one of my favorite styles of music and this is an oral history of the style of music. So the author talked to all the players who are still alive, the people who were adjacent to that world, people like Iggy Pop and Brian Eno, and he really put it in a great tone. This is the first major definitive oral history of the Krautrock movement.

So if you like it, the English version is available in the UK right now. So I ordered it from Rough Trade and it arrived a little early, but if you want to wait for the US version, it’ll be out in early August. So it will be out this summer. So if you’re a super fan you can get it quickly and ship it internationally, or if you’re American and just want to wait and be lazy then you can wait.

Lauren Goode: Do you have dirty hands because of the German?

Michael Calore: From sauerkraut?

Lauren Goode: Yes, sauerkraut.

Michael Calore: No, it’s just because of all the ink from all the books I’m reading.

Lauren Goode: Sweet.

Michael Calore: Yeah.

Lauren Goode: I appreciate you.

Michael Calore: Thank you. Very good, thank you all. It was a lovely discussion. Thank you both for joining us this week.

Reece Rogers: Thank you.

Kate Knibbs: Thank you for having us.

Lauren Goode: Yes, standard podcast answer. I love it.

Kate Knibbs: Should I start being rude?

Lauren Goode: No, that was great.

Kate Knibbs: Yeah. Screw you guys, actually. I don’t know if I can say bad words.

Lauren Goode: That’s staying inside.

Kate Knibbs: It’s a joke.

Lauren Goode: Yes you are.

Kate Knibbs: OK.

Michael Calore: And thank you all for listening. If you have feedback, you can find us all at AI Overviews. Just Google our names. Our producer is the mighty Boone Ashworth. We will be back next week with a new show. Next week is Apple’s WWDC, so come back to hear us talk about all things Apple. And until then, goodbye.

(Gadget Lab’s ending music plays.)

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