Home Australia I’ve been with my boyfriend for eight years and I’ve just found out a huge secret he’s kept from me since the day we met

I’ve been with my boyfriend for eight years and I’ve just found out a huge secret he’s kept from me since the day we met

A woman has revealed her heartbreak after discovering a life-changing secret that her boyfriend kept from her for eight years.

A woman has revealed her heartbreak after discovering a life-changing secret that her boyfriend kept from her for eight years.

Lily* was 21 when she met Max and the pair “hit it off instantly” and started dating soon after.

“I asked him how old he was because he looked like he could be any age, so it was hard to tell,” he recalled in a Reddit post.

‘The first red flag was when he avoided the question and asked me how old I thought I was. I guessed between 28 and 30 and he smiled and agreed.

“When I pressed him to tell me his exact age, he admitted he was 36.”

But almost a decade later, Lily discovered that her boyfriend had been lying to her all along and was actually 46 years old when they met.

“My age difference was seven to ten years; I was facing a 15-year difference, but I really liked him and we got along well,” she said, unaware that she was actually accepting a much larger age difference.

‘He is 25 years older than me. He is older than my mother. “I’m shocked, I feel so disgusting and violated,” she added.

A woman has revealed her heartbreak after discovering a life-changing secret that her boyfriend kept from her for eight years.

The couple is in the process of separating because Max believes that Lily does not express her emotions well and accused him of being manipulative.

They live together but in separate rooms, and Max had been away for a week when Lily accidentally stumbled upon his date of birth written on an official document.

“He was always secretive about official documents and made sure I never saw them. My jaw hit the floor when I read his year of birth: 1970.

‘This man lied to me to get me and then continued lying. Was he never going to tell me that he was not 36 but 46 when he met me?

‘I was only 21 years old and barely left home. I’m questioning reality now. What other secrets have I missed? Did he have a family? Is he a criminal?

“I feel totally surprised and disappointed. There’s no way this can be real.

Lily asked strangers online for advice on how to cope, but they all said the same thing: to pack her things and leave.

‘I wouldn’t confront him. The relationship is over. You have nothing to gain from this. It could become dangerous like you said; who is he really? “If he spent eight years lying about this, it may be because he’s hiding more,” one of them said.

‘Don’t confront, just leave. When you’re out and about, send him a text telling him that you know his real age and that you don’t want him to contact you again and block him. Let your employer know what’s going on in case you show up at work,” another advised.

“Looks like you guys are already in the process of breaking up… just leave it alone, wash your hands and leave it in the dust,” a third echoed.

*Names have been anonymized for privacy reasons.

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