Home Australia It’s a cost of living crisis, so what does Albo do? He foresees a whopping $214,000 pay rise for the new Governor General… because mansions and travel benefits just aren’t enough

It’s a cost of living crisis, so what does Albo do? He foresees a whopping $214,000 pay rise for the new Governor General… because mansions and travel benefits just aren’t enough

Incoming Governor-General Sam Mostyn and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese have been good friends for years and champion the same causes.

So, in the midst of a cost of living crisis, what is the Albanian government doing?

Call on parliament to approve a huge $214,000 pay rise for incoming Governor-General Sam Mostyn.

And that’s not even a joke.

Current GM David Hurley earns just $495,000, but that’s not enough according to the Labor Party.

The Prime Minister’s assistant minister, Patrick Gorman, has introduced legislation seeking parliamentary support from the opposition and the crossbench to increase Mostyn’s salary from $495,000 to $709,000 when he starts the new job on Monday.

Incoming Governor-General Sam Mostyn and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese have been good friends for years and champion the same causes.

Mostyn will enjoy his stay at Yarralumla, the Governor-General's residence in Canberra, during his five-year term.

Mostyn will enjoy his stay at Yarralumla, the Governor-General’s residence in Canberra, during his five-year term.

The former GG’s salary was more than what cabinet ministers earn. The new one is more than what the Prime Minister earns.

Never mind that Australia has been in recession per capita for five consecutive quarters. Or that families are struggling with cost of living pressures and the Budget is predicted to increase debt further in the coming years.

And unlike the law of gravity, when it comes to political rights, what goes up doesn’t come back down. This inflated salary, if signed into law, will become the minimum benchmark for what future GGs will earn. Even if former judges and generals return to the fold with their Commonwealth pensions.

I for one feel insulted by the political stupidity of the Albanian government for wanting to do this right now.

It makes Tony Abbott’s knighting of Prince Philip look like a masterstroke. He at least didn’t do it during a cost of living crisis, and the position didn’t come with a salary.

What is your possible logic for giving such a huge pay increase to a ceremonial position like GG?

Because most of the former GGs benefited from the Commonwealth super schemes and Mostyn did not, the Labor Party believes it is fair that she gets a pay rise.

But wait, there are several problems with this.

Mostyn can also relax at Admiralty House, the Governor-General's residence in Sydney, and take in the views of the harbor during his five-year term.

Mostyn can also relax at Admiralty House, the Governor-General’s residence in Sydney, and take in the views of the harbor during his five-year term.

To begin with, it speaks to the Labor Party’s spirit of workers’ rights. Is the job not good enough at the current salary? Does a pay increase of $214,000 (or 43 percent) pass the political tobacco test? Oh really.

There is a reason why former judges and military personnel receive pensions from the commonwealth. Because in reality they were judges and soldiers. Mostyn wasn’t, so why compensate her for something she didn’t do?

Whats Next? Name a former bank CEO as GG but pay him $10 million a year as compensation for leaving his high-paying banking job?


Does new GM Sam Mostyn deserve a $214,000 pay raise?

  • Yes, it’s fair. 1 votes
  • No absolutely not 18 votes

It’s tremendous madness.

It also forgets that Australians who spend their entire lives in the military, for example, earn much lower salaries as public servants of their country. That’s one of the reasons they enjoy generous retirement benefits.

Mostyn has spent his career working in private practice, earning the highest salaries and the bonuses that come with it.

Just a few years ago she was named Australia’s most influential company director, positions that command big pay thanks to even higher executive salaries earned to be considered for senior board positions.

That is why he still does not receive any ALS rights. Which, by the way, will change after his term as GG, I imagine.

That’s also before considering all the other benefits that come with the position. Travel, homes on the Sydney waterfront and in the heart of Canberra with huge grounds.

To think Mostyn also needs a $214,000 raise on the salary he’s about to earn is crazy.

All for a ceremonial appointment that Anthony Albanese made as the captain’s choice. Albo and Mostyn have been close for years defending similar causes.

There is a reason why former judges and military personnel receive pensions from the commonwealth. Because in reality they were judges and soldiers. Mostyn wasn't, so why compensate her for something she didn't do?

There is a reason why former judges and military personnel receive pensions from the commonwealth. Because in reality they were judges and soldiers. Mostyn wasn’t, so why compensate her for something she didn’t do?

This is a decision of the Labor government. The decision of a prime minister. It is not determined independently by the remuneration tribunal. This is Labor legislation that the Prime Minister’s deputy minister is introducing to parliament.

They own this stupidity. There is no way to hide from it.

I’m thinking of chatting to the boss of Daily Mail Australia about a pay rise.

I just realized that since I have not served my country in uniform I cannot exceed the salary for which I agreed to come work here with a commonwealth pension that those who spend two decades in the military receive.

It’s a fight.

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