Home Life Style I thought my back pain was a urinary tract infection, but I was actually in labor. I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was in the bathroom when the baby’s head was crowning.

I thought my back pain was a urinary tract infection, but I was actually in labor. I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was in the bathroom when the baby’s head was crowning.

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Clara Furniss, 23, from Harrogate, North Yorkshire, was not sporting a baby bump, on her period and taking contraceptive pills when she suffered excruciating back pain in August last year. She is pictured three days before giving birth.

A woman has revealed she didn’t know she was pregnant until she saw her baby’s head crowning her belly while in the bathroom.

Clara Furniss, 23, from Harrogate, North Yorkshire, was belly-free, on her period and taking contraceptive pills when she experienced excruciating back pain in August last year.

She thought the pain was a urinary or kidney infection and had no idea she could be pregnant.

She was rushed to the emergency room where she was asked to take a pregnancy test.

But when she went to pull up her pants after using the bathroom, she saw her baby’s head poking out.

Clara gave birth moments later on the floor.

Clara Furniss, 23, from Harrogate, North Yorkshire, was not sporting a baby bump, on her period and taking contraceptive pills when she suffered excruciating back pain in August last year. She is pictured three days before giving birth.

Clara thought the pain was a urinary or kidney infection, and had no idea she could be pregnant.

Clara thought the pain was a urinary or kidney infection, and had no idea she could be pregnant.

One year later, her surprise daughter, Alexandra, is thriving.

One year later, her surprise daughter, Alexandra, is thriving.

Thankfully, a year later, her surprise daughter, Alexandra, is thriving.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get over Alex’s shocking arrival, but it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

In August 2023, Clara was working as a steward at the British Motorcycle Grand Prix, three hours from her home.

At midnight, he woke up with terrible back pain.

Clara recalls: ‘I had had kidney infections in the past and I thought that was it.

‘I didn’t have any painkillers with me, so I hoped it would go away on its own.

“But it didn’t happen and I couldn’t sleep.”

At 3 a.m., her then-boyfriend drove her home.

There he tried to go back to sleep, but the pain got worse.

That morning, Clara’s mother, Maggie, 59, took her to A&E at Harrogate District Hospital, where she explained her symptoms to a nurse.

In August 2023, Clara was working as a hostess at the British Grand Prix, three hours from her home. In the middle of the night, she woke up with terrible back pain before giving birth.

In August 2023, Clara was working as a hostess at the British Grand Prix, three hours from her home. In the middle of the night, she woke up with terrible back pain before giving birth.

After giving birth in the bathroom, Clara was taken to the delivery room with Alexandra (pictured)

After giving birth in the bathroom, Clara was taken to the delivery room with Alexandra (pictured)

Doctors thought Clara might have gallstones: her daughter is pictured at six months

Doctors thought Clara might have gallstones: her daughter is pictured at six months

How common are cryptic pregnancies?

One in 450 pregnant women in the UK don’t know they are having a baby until 20 weeks into their pregnancy (half), and one in 2,500 women don’t realise they are pregnant until they go into labour.

It is a phenomenon known as cryptic pregnancy, also known as “pregnancy denial.”

Cryptic pregnancies usually affect young women who have never experienced pregnancy or women who believe they have gone through menopause and who choose not to use contraception.

Women with irregular menstrual cycles are also more likely to miss the signs that they are pregnant. This is especially true for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), in which small cysts grow on the ovaries; the hormonal imbalance often causes irregular or non-existent periods.

However, there are some women who will continue to have menstrual bleeding throughout their pregnancy. In this case, an ultrasound scan at the GP may be the only method of confirmation.

Women may simply not expect to find out they are pregnant if they take the pill, but those who take it religiously can still get pregnant.

Eight out of 100 women can get pregnant while taking the pill, usually not because of problems with the pill but with the person taking it, either because they forgot to take it, vomited or had diarrhea.

Clara says: ‘By now the pain in my lower back was coming in strong waves and I was doubled over in agony.

‘The nurse asked me if I could get pregnant, but I said no.

“I had been having regular periods and was on the pill.”

The nurse took a blood and urine sample from Clara, and then a doctor examined her.

He concluded that she might have gallstones and ordered a CT scan of her abdomen.

Clara says: ‘My mother had worked as a sonographer in the past and asked me to take a pregnancy test first because an ultrasound could be harmful to the baby.

“I knew I wasn’t pregnant, but I agreed anyway.”

Clara went to the bathroom, but when she went to pull up her underwear, she felt very uncomfortable.

Then, looking down, he saw a baby’s head crowning.

Clara went to the bathroom, but when she went to pull up her underwear, she felt very uncomfortable. Then, looking down, she saw the head of a baby crowning the body. In the photo she appears with her daughter.

Clara went to the bathroom, but when she went to pull up her underwear, she felt very uncomfortable. Then, looking down, she saw the head of a baby crowning the body. In the photo she appears with her daughter.

Clara sent her friends a photo of the baby with a 'surprise'

Clara sent her friends a photo of the baby with a ‘surprise’

Clara explains: ‘I screamed for help and pulled the emergency cord.

But the doctors were not fast enough.

‘Suddenly I felt the urge to push and my baby slipped into my arms.

“I was very scared. A stranger tried to calm me down by talking to me through the door.”

A group of doctors came to Clara’s aid and quickly took her baby to the pediatric ward.

Strangers in the waiting room cheered Maggie: “You’re a grandma!”

While Clara’s baby was being checked, weighed, and cleaned, she was taken to a delivery room.

Clara says: ‘A midwife gave my baby back to me and confirmed that I had had a girl.

“I couldn’t believe what was happening.”

Doctors told her she weighed 3.5kg and was full term. Maggie called Clara's father, Chris, 54, who visited her that afternoon with supplies for the baby.

Doctors told her she weighed 3.5kg and was full term. Maggie called Clara’s father, Chris, 54, who visited her that afternoon with supplies for the baby.

Clara's sister Milly, 24, went shopping for baby items, including a stroller, and her family gave her used items. The couple are now happy and healthy.

Clara’s sister Milly, 24, went shopping for baby items, including a stroller, and her family gave her used items. The couple are now happy and healthy.

Clara says she wouldn't change it for anything in the world

Clara says she wouldn’t change it for anything in the world

Doctors told her she weighed 3.5kg and that the pregnancy was full term.

Maggie called Clara’s father, Chris, 54, who visited her that afternoon with supplies for the baby.

Then Clara broke the news to her boyfriend that she had had a baby.

She says: ‘I was in such shock I couldn’t speak.

‘I then sent a message to my best friends and my older sister, who were all shocked.’

The next morning, Clara’s then-boyfriend visited her and the couple named their daughter Alexandra, after Aleix Espargaró, who had won the Grand Prix that year.

Two days later, the mother and baby were discharged.

Clara’s sister Milly, 24, went shopping for baby items, including a stroller, and was given used clothes by her family.

Clara says: “I still can’t understand how he came into the world. He didn’t have any symptoms.

‘Months before giving birth I felt a bit unwell, so I took numerous pregnancy tests, but they all came back negative.

“And although I had gained a little weight, I attributed it to working events and eating more junk food.”

Clara adds: ‘Alex is now the happiest and most chatty baby.

“I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.”

(tags to translate)dailymail

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