Home Australia I quit my job after getting a new position at another company. Then things took an unexpected turn.

I quit my job after getting a new position at another company. Then things took an unexpected turn.

British racing expert Ben Askins received the shocking text messages and read the conversation in a TikTok video.

When Sarah was offered a job at another company, she immediately accepted and resigned from her current position, but then a “nightmare” developed.

Unfortunately, the manager told him via WhatsApp that the position was being revoked, but did not reveal the reason.

British racing expert Ben Askins received the shocking text messages and read the conversation on a TikTok. video.

‘(The company) has handled this appallingly. ‘Did they really think they could rescind a job offer and not explain why?’ he said.

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British racing expert Ben Askins received the shocking text messages and read the conversation in a TikTok video. “Hi Sarah, I’m really sorry to do this, but we’re going to have to rescind the job offer,” the employer said.

“Hi Sarah, I’m really sorry to do this, but we’re going to have to rescind the job offer,” the employer said.

Looking surprised and confused, Sarah replied: ‘What? But I’ve already handed in my notice.

The employer asked, ‘Can’t you just ask for your job back?’

But Sarah said, ‘They’ve already hired my replacement; They won’t accept it. What has changed? Why are you doing this?’

The employer said: “I’m afraid I can’t tell you the details.”

‘That’s horse shit. “If you’re going to do this, the least you can do is tell me why,” Sarah said angrily.

And the employer responded, “Please let’s keep it professional, there’s no need to swear.”

Sarah responded bluntly, “Yes, swearing is what’s unprofessional about this.”

'Let's be very clear, if you are going to do this to someone and it happens, you must give them an explanation. It's horrible because Sarah has been left in a terrible position.

‘Let’s be very clear, if you are going to do this to someone and it happens, you must give them an explanation. “It’s horrible because Sarah has been put in a terrible position,” Ben said.

‘Let’s be very clear, if you are going to do this to someone and it happens, you must give them an explanation. “It’s horrible because Sarah has been put in a terrible situation,” Ben said.

‘Because now she doesn’t have a job, she has gone from having a job to not having a job. When she is offered a new one, she quits, she joins the new job and then that job disappears, she is not doing well at all. It’s a really fucked up position to leave someone in it.

‘You could absolutely tell them the details. Sometimes this happens and it’s horrible, but you should tell them exactly why it happens and be as direct as possible. It’s the least you can do.

Ben criticized the company for choosing to tell Sarah the news via WhatsApp instead of a phone call.

The video has since been viewed more than 800,000 times, with many agreeing that an employee should never leave their current position until they sign a contract for the new position.

‘Jesus… This is horrible. The mother of all warning signs,’ wrote one.

“Ask the employer what their compensation will be for breach of contract,” said another.

A third wrote: ‘This is literally my biggest nightmare when it comes to changing jobs. Does it take that much time to interview, get an offer, negotiate salary, check references, DBS and then get this?!’

Others shared their own experiences with similar situations.

‘This has happened to me. They just told me that they froze my job, so I should try to find a new one. “Super stressful and I faced some financial uncertainty,” said one.

Another wrote: ‘My old boss told me not to give him my official notice until I signed my new contract. I thought it was unnecessary at the time, but hearing stories like this, I really appreciate his advice!’

Many also discussed whether it is legal for an employer to withdraw a job offer.

According path of law, In most circumstances, it is illegal for an employer to withdraw an offer of employment once it is offered.

In Australia, a job offer can be legally withdrawn if a candidate has not yet accepted the offer.

Generally, when a job offer has been made, but a candidate has not accepted it, the offer can be rescinded because there is no legally binding contract between the candidate and the employer.

However, if a candidate has accepted an offer and the employer withdraws it, there are several options for legal redress.

For example, the employer could be liable for misleading or deceptive conduct or the candidate may also bring a claim for breach of contract.

If the Fair Work Commission determines that a dismissal was unfair (“harsh, unfair or unreasonable”), it can order compensation. An employee can only receive compensation for lost income.

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