Home US Candace Owens slams Don Lemon in heated interview after he asked her if being gay was a sin

Candace Owens slams Don Lemon in heated interview after he asked her if being gay was a sin

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Conservative commentator Candace Owens confronted former CNN anchor Don Lemon in a heated interview, telling the gay journalist that her marriage is

Conservative commentator Candace Owens confronted former CNN anchor Don Lemon in a heated interview, telling the gay journalist that his marriage is “sinful.”

Lemon asked the 35-year-old directly if he thought he was “sinning” by being in a same-sex marriage in a July 12 interview on “The Don Lemon Show” podcast.

“Do you think I’m a sinner because I’m married to a man?” Lemon asked, to which Owens confidently replied, “Yes,” before standing by her comments.

“It’s a sin… You’re sinning. You’re in a sinful relationship. I don’t really believe that marriage can be between two men,” she told Lemon, who is married to 40-year-old Tim Malone.

“I hope you confront that issue,” said the Daily Wire host, who recently came under fire for his anti-Semitic comments in reference to Lemon’s sexuality. “Obviously, I want you to be a Christian and understand why sodomy is a sin.”

Conservative commentator Candace Owens has confronted former CNN anchor Don Lemon in a heated interview, telling the gay journalist that his marriage is “sinful.”

The mother of two even suggested that “people should seek help” for their sexuality.

Lemon, who was fired from CNN last year, attempted to be more confrontational, asking the far-right host if she was homophobic, but Owens dodged the question.

“Are you homophobic?” he asks, laughing uncomfortably.

Owens awkwardly replied, “You are such an absurd human being.”

“What does homophobia mean?” he asked. “Do you think I’m afraid of two gay men walking down the street?” he said. “I’m not afraid of anything except God.”

Lemon noted that many people who consider gay marriage sinful might also consider Owens’ interracial relationship “sinful,” but Owens responded that he had never heard that argument made in a biblical context.

Just a day after the interview was published, Owens bizarrely claimed that during their heated exchange, Lemon was actually trying to provoke her into using a homophobic slur.

Lemon, who was fired from CNN last year, attempted to be more confrontational, asking the far-right host if she was homophobic, but Owens dodged the question.

Lemon, who was fired from CNN last year, attempted to be more confrontational, asking the far-right host if she was homophobic, but Owens dodged the question.

Lemon noted that many people who consider gay marriage sinful might also consider Owens' interracial relationship to be

Lemon noted that many people who consider gay marriage sinful might also consider Owens’ interracial relationship “sinful,” but Owens responded that he had never heard that argument made in a biblical context.

She sensationally discussed it with her own viewers, saying Lemon was egging her on to call him a “f***er.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m not feeling well right now. I need to talk to you because something has happened to me that I may never recover from,” Owens said.

‘(Don Lemon) asked me straight up if I wanted to call him a faggot. Yeah, he was egging me on to call him the F-word.’

“I’m a 35-year-old mother. I don’t go around saying, ‘Hey, you’re an asshole.’ I’m not 18,” she continued defensively.

“I don’t go around calling people names, period. And I wouldn’t walk up to a fat person and call them names. It’s absurd to go around pointing and calling people names because I don’t like them. I would know that, so the answer is no, I wouldn’t do it,” Owens added.

This comes after the controversial commentator has been consistently criticised for her anti-Semitic comments and for promoting historically false narratives.

This comes after the controversial commentator has been consistently criticised for her anti-Semitic comments and for promoting historically false narratives.

This comes after the controversial commentator has been constantly criticised for her anti-Semitic comments and for promoting historically false narratives.

She has recently been criticized for her denial of Holocaust atrocities, including the human experiments Nazi doctor Josef Mengele performed on prisoners at Auschwitz.

She was criticised for her “increasing embrace of anti-Semitic tropes” after claiming on her show last week that Mengele’s horrific twin experiments were “bizarre propaganda”.

Mengele – nicknamed the Angel of Death because he selected who would be killed in the gas chambers – carried out a series of cruel tests on twins throughout the war, including sewing them together to create conjoined twins.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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