Home US Biden’s media bloodbath: How the liberal media finally stabbed the ailing president after protecting him for four years

Biden’s media bloodbath: How the liberal media finally stabbed the ailing president after protecting him for four years

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Mainstream media outlets have called on Joe Biden to resign following his performance in the car crash debate

US media have weighed in on Joe Biden’s disastrous presidential debate and joined growing calls for him to resign.

Biden is set to speak about the future of his re-election campaign this weekend amid the fallout from his disastrous performance in Thursday’s debate. But if the liberal media has finally caved to the 81-year-old president, his options may be limited.

Polls indicate even fewer voters believe Biden is prepared for another four years in the White House after seeing his physical and mental state appear to have deteriorated.

Liberal media giants have added fuel to the fire by making explosive demands on the commander in chief and asking him to finally throw in the towel and drop out of the presidential race.

Major media outlets have called on Joe Biden to resign following his performance in the car crash debate

TIME magazine published a striking cover in its August issue that showed the president appearing to jump off the page with the singular word “Panic” as the title.

Magazine reported Democratic Party leaders were bewildered as they watched the debate unfold.

“Biden looked exactly like the 81-year-old grandfather he is, stammering in a thin voice through unintelligible arguments and often staring, mouth agape, as Trump launched one verbal attack after another,” wrote TIME senior correspondent Philip Elliott.

‘Biden froze repeatedly and even failed on some plays he had prepared in advance for the moment.

“Panic is not too strong a word to describe the feeling that ran through the Democratic Party up and down as the debate unfolded.”

The Washington Post editorial board also criticized Biden, asking whether continuing in the race for his own pride was worth the damage it could do to the country.

The cover of the August issue of TIME magazine shows the president stepping off the page with a single word:

The cover of TIME magazine’s August issue shows the president stepping off the page with a single word: “Panic.”

Washington Post editorial board asked Biden to do 'soul searching' after debate

The Washington Post editorial board asked Biden to do some “soul searching” after the debate.

“If President Biden had plans for the weekend, he should cancel them to do some introspection,” he said. The editorial board wrote.

‘His disastrous performance in Thursday’s debate raises legitimate questions about whether he can last another four years in the world’s toughest job.

“It is up to this incumbent to determine, in conversation with family members and aides, whether continuing to seek re-election is best for the country.”

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, one of the president’s favorite shows, host Joe Scarborough gently urged Biden to resign on Friday.

“He spent much of the evening with his mouth open and his eyes darting back and forth,” the presenter said.

Joe Scarborough, host of one of Biden's favorite shows, MSNBC's Morning Joe, lightly told the president to resign.

Joe Scarborough, host of one of Biden’s favorite shows, MSNBC’s Morning Joe, lightly told the president to resign.

“He couldn’t verify anything Donald Trump said. He missed layup after layup.”

‘But the question is, despite my belief that Joe Biden has had an extremely successful first term, is it time for him to step down?’

In Georgia, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution published a shocking front-page ultimatum for Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race after his “excruciating” debate failure.

The editorial board wrote that “retirement is now necessary” for the 81-year-old incumbent, calling on him to pass the torch to a more competent candidate.

“The unfortunate truth is that Biden should drop out of the race, for the good of the nation he has served so admirably for half a century,” the editorial board said in an op-ed that appeared on the front page of Georgia’s largest newspaper on Saturday.

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The editorial boards of The New York Times and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution issued ultimatums to the president

The editorial boards of The New York Times and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution issued ultimatums to the president

‘This was not a bad night; it was a confirmation of the worst fears of some of Biden’s most ardent supporters: that after 36 years in the U.S. Senate, eight more as vice president and one term in the White House, age has finally caught up with him.’

The New York Times editorial board has demanded that Biden drop out of the race for the White House.

In a scathing op-ed, the board said Biden appeared to be a “shadow” of himself and that the argument that he was the best Democratic candidate to take on Trump was no longer valid.

Unable to ignore the president’s performance, the publication put it bluntly: “Mr. Biden cannot continue this race.”

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