Home Australia Ash Good’s baby: Update after Westfield Bondi Junction stabbing

Ash Good’s baby: Update after Westfield Bondi Junction stabbing

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Harriet was with her mother Ashlee Good (pictured), 38, at the shopping center on the afternoon of Saturday April 13 when they were attacked by knife-mad Joel Cauchi.

More than $830,000 has been raised for a nine-month-old baby who was stabbed in the Westfield Bondi Junction massacre that tragically claimed the life of his mother.

Baby Harriet was with her mother Ashlee Good, 38, at the shopping center on the afternoon of Saturday, April 13, when they were the first people to be randomly attacked by knife-crazed Joel Cauchi.

One of Dr. Good’s last acts was to throw Harriet into the arms of strangers begging them to “please help, help.”

Dr Good, an osteopath, died tragically, but Harriet miraculously survived and was discharged from hospital on Sunday 21 April.

Since then, kind-hearted Australians have donated $830,040 to give Dr Good’s partner Dan and little Harriet “the freedom to move forward into the future without worry or financial burden.”

“Ash was a ray of sunshine and positivity in every aspect of his life and died a hero saving his young daughter from the most unspeakable evil,” GoFundMe organizer Steven Foxwell wrote.

Donations continue to pour in from friends and strangers alike, often accompanied by heartbreaking messages.

Harriet was with her mother Ashlee Good (pictured), 38, at the shopping center on the afternoon of Saturday April 13 when they were attacked by knife-mad Joel Cauchi.

Kind-hearted Australians have donated $830,040 to Dr Good's partner Dan and Harriet

Kind-hearted Australians have donated $830,040 to give Dr Good’s partner Dan and Harriet “the freedom to move into the future without financial burden or worry” (pictured)

“Although I didn’t know Ashlee, I was deeply moved by her bravery and great motherly love, and my heart goes out to all of you at this difficult time,” one wrote.

‘I am so sorry for your horrible loss. “I hope the money raised here gives them the freedom to move on and continue living their lives in a way that makes Ash proud,” added a second.

“As a mother of two, this really made my heart hurt like it hasn’t in a long time,” said a third.

‘I wish this little girl much happiness and light in her future. “I can’t even imagine the different ways the family feels right now.”

GoFundMe Australia regional director Nicola Britton said the fundraiser is currently the second largest in Australia for 2024, behind only another fundraiser focused on humanitarian aid for Gaza.

People lay flowers at a memorial set up inside the Bondi Junction Westfield shopping center to honor the victims of the Cauchi stabbing.

People lay flowers at a memorial set up inside the Bondi Junction Westfield shopping center to honor the victims of the Cauchi stabbing.

“The Good family fundraiser has benefited from more than 12,000 donations, coming from more than 30 countries around the world, with the main donor countries being Australia, the United States and Great Britain,” he said.

Dr Good was one of six people who died during the horrific attack in Sydney’s eastern suburbs last Saturday.

Dawn Singleton, 25, Jade Young, 47, Pikria Darchia, 55, and Yixuan Cheng, 27, and security guard Faraz Tahir, 30, were the other five victims killed.

Cauchi, 40, stabbed 12 more innocent shoppers during the terrifying rampage.

Baby Harriet will continue to receive treatment after her discharge from the hospital.

“In a positive development, I can confirm that the child who has been receiving care at Sydney Children’s Hospital following last weekend’s tragic events in Bondi Junction has been discharged,” the New Wales Health Minister said. South, Ryan Park, in April.

“She continues to receive care from the expert doctors at Sydney Children’s Hospital.”

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