Home US A nasty fight breaks out aboard a Frontier Airlines flight to Atlanta when a man and woman taunt each other for a bizarre reason: “Show me a band!”

A nasty fight breaks out aboard a Frontier Airlines flight to Atlanta when a man and woman taunt each other for a bizarre reason: “Show me a band!”

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The man in the black hoodie (left) got into a heated, foul-mouthed argument with a young woman, seen in the middle seat in front of him.

Two airline passengers caused such a ruckus that police were called to the plane as they shouted at each other in a bizarre argument.

The Frontier Airlines flight from Atlanta to Miami had just landed when a young man wearing a black hoodie began arguing heatedly with two people.

One of them, a brutal, foul-mouthed argument with a young woman, was caught on camera as it turned into a farce.

Much of the exchange was unintelligible, but the man could be heard calling the woman a whore and demanding to “show me a band or something better” a dozen times.

“Shut your mouth, poor thing,” he told the woman at the beginning of the argument, to which she replied: “You’re also poor thing, you’re on the same fucking flight.”

The man in the black hoodie (left) got into a heated, foul-mouthed argument with a young woman, seen in the middle seat in front of him.

Jazmine, who filmed the drama as it unfolded behind her, explained in a later video that the argument was sparked by the passengers’ annoying habit of standing up as soon as the plane lands.

The man in the black hoodie had a seat at the back of the plane and moved forward, getting on with a man in the brown shirt in front of him.

“So they’re going back and forth because the one in the black hoodie is trying to push his way to the front and the one in the brown shirt is like, ‘No, you’re going to wait like everyone else,'” Jazmine explained.

A man in a black hoodie accused a boy in a brown shirt of being a “cokehead” who was going through withdrawal and other offensive things.

“I didn’t get a chance to record that part, but you guys should have seen it. Brown Shirt held his own,” Jazmine said.

After that there was silence for a minute, then the woman in the video made a comment to the guy in the black hoodie that Jasmine couldn’t understand “but I heard the attitude.”

“And he asked her, ‘What?’ and she said, ‘Did you hear me?'” Jazmine explained.

Throughout the incident, the woman was sitting in the middle seat and talking over a man in the aisle, who had his head down and looked like he wanted to be swallowed up by the floor.

Jazmine (pictured), who filmed the drama as it unfolded behind her, explained in a later video that the argument was sparked by passengers' annoying habit of getting up as soon as the plane lands.

Jazmine (pictured), who filmed the drama as it unfolded behind her, explained in a later video that the argument was sparked by passengers’ annoying habit of getting up as soon as the plane lands.

Jazmine (left) said the man in the black hoodie had a seat at the back of the plane and moved forward, getting on with a man in the brown shirt (behind her) in front of him.

Jazmine (left) said the man in the black hoodie had a seat at the back of the plane and moved forward, getting on with a man in the brown shirt (behind her) in front of him.

Jazmine said the woman was telling the man that she had been “told about the whole trip on the plane and at the Miami airport,” but it was unclear what that was about.

Across the hall was the woman’s sister, saying, “Hey, don’t talk to my sister like that, you idiot…”

That’s when Jazmine got up from her seat and started recording, not wanting to miss a second fight in the space of a few minutes.

“Shut your mouth, poor thing,” was the first intelligible line of the video, to which the woman replied: “You’re also poor thing, you’re on the same damn flight.”

The man then demanded “Show me a band or something better” over and over again.

A “band” is a slang term for a wad of bills, usually $1,000, held together with a rubber band, and the phrase is used to demand that someone prove they have money.

A flight attendant interrupted over the intercom and asked, “Can you please wait until we get off the plane and into the terminal?” but they didn’t listen.

“Bitch, you’re a whore… you’re a street whore, what the fuck are you talking about? Shut your poor ass,” the man said to the woman.

A flight attendant came over and tried to intervene, but he told her: “I don’t care, he’s talking to me.”

“Because you’re screwing everyone else on this plane, we’re all sick of you, shut the f*** up, you’re so rude,” the woman replied.

He replied: “I don’t have time for you, get out, bitch.”

The woman continued to berate him, but what she said and his responses were unintelligible on the video.

“Please can we all go on this flight together?” another crew member announced, but a woman shouted back: “That’s not going to happen.”

The man began repeating again, “show me a band or better,” while the woman criticized him for being on a Frontier flight.

He could be heard saying that he was asking her if she had $1,000 even though he couldn’t afford a more comfortable flight on Delta Airlines or pay $45 for a better seat.

The man responded by calling her a streetwalker again.

Flight attendants announced that police were on their way to the plane and other passengers complained that there would now be delays.

Jazmine said no one was arrested, but the man was escorted off the plane by officers and everyone began to applaud.

“There are no televisions at Frontier, but I was able to watch a show; it was exactly what I needed after sitting in uncomfortable chairs for two hours,” she said.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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