Home Life Style “A little more time thinking about what foods can help us” Expert suggests dieting instead of sleeping tricks

“A little more time thinking about what foods can help us” Expert suggests dieting instead of sleeping tricks

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 “A Little More Time Thinking About Which Foods Can Help Us” Expert Suggests Diet Over Sleep Hacks

For restless sleepers who endlessly search the Internet for solutions, sleep expert Anush Pervez offers a new perspective: Instead of relying on sleeping pills or endless tricks, consider dietary choices that can influence sleep quality. Talking to SleepSeekerPervez highlights the importance of what we eat in relation to how well we sleep.

“Sleeping is not something that comes easily to many people and there are many different tips and tricks to help you sleep better. One factor that is often overlooked is how diet can affect sleep quality,” explains Pervez. He suggests that the types of foods consumed and the timing of meals play a critical role not only in how quickly we fall asleep but also in how restful our sleep is. For those fighting insomniaPervez recommends a light snack before bed to prevent hunger-related disturbances and promote a smoother transition to sleep.

To help those looking for edible sleep aids, Pervez shares a list of beneficial foods:

Turkey: Small portions of turkey before bed are helpful due to its content of tryptophan, an amino acid that increases the body’s melatonin levels and helps you fall asleep.

fatty fish: Incorporating fatty fish such as salmon or tuna into dinners can increase your intake of vitamin D, essential for preventing sleep disorders. “Lack of vitamin D can increase the risk of sleep disorders and difficulty sleeping,” says Pervez.

Herbs tea: Swapping your daily coffee for herbal teas, like chamomile, may be bad news for coffee fans, but it can significantly improve sleep quality. Chamomile tea reduces anxiety and contains antioxidants that help combat insomnia.

Honey: Adding a small amount of honey to dinner or a snack can help you fall asleep because its glucose content reduces levels of orexin in the brain, a peptide that keeps us awake.

Walnuts: A handful of nuts such as walnuts or pistachios before bed can be beneficial due to their high melatonin content, which improves the quality of sleep.

Finally, Pervez advises limit caffeine intake to the early hours of the day to avoid sleep disturbances, noting that individual reactions to foods may vary.

These dietary suggestions provide a holistic approach to improving sleep quality, shifting the focus from temporary solutions to long-term habits that promote sleep health. By integrating these foods into the diet, people can find a natural remedy for their sleep problems.

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