Home US A 30-year-old former prison officer is facing charges that she was filmed having sex with an inmate at HMP Wandsworth after being arrested at Heathrow Airport.

A 30-year-old former prison officer is facing charges that she was filmed having sex with an inmate at HMP Wandsworth after being arrested at Heathrow Airport.

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Linda De Sousa Abreu leaving Uxbridge Magistrates' Court

A prison officer accused of having sex with an inmate at Wandsworth prison in an X-rated film appeared in court today.

Linda De Sousa Abreu, 30, was charged after a video of the alleged activity was shared on social media.

Appearing in the dock at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court dressed all in grey, she spoke only to confirm her name, address and date of birth, before hiding her face and leaving the court carrying a large suitcase.

The Metropolitan Police launched an urgent investigation on Friday after officers became aware of a video that was allegedly filmed inside HMP Wandsworth in south London between June 26 and 28.

De Sousa Abreu was arrested at Heathrow Airport and was due to take a flight to Madrid after notifying the prison of her travel plans, the court heard.

Linda De Sousa Abreu leaving Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court

Ms De Sousa Abreu appeared at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court in west London this afternoon charged with misconduct in public office for

Ms De Sousa Abreu appeared at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court in west London this afternoon, charged with misconduct in public office for “engaging in a sexual act with a prisoner in a prison cell”.

Linda De Sousa Abreu, 30 (pictured in court today), who worked as a guard at HMP Wandsworth, was detained at Heathrow Airport on Saturday.

Linda De Sousa Abreu, 30 (pictured in court today), who worked as a guard at HMP Wandsworth, was detained at Heathrow Airport on Saturday.

Prosecutor Niamh McDonagh told the court: “Ms De Sousa Abreu was arrested at Heathrow Airport where she had booked a flight to Madrid. I believe she has relatives living there.

‘The police confiscated a Portuguese passport when she was arrested. She is a Portuguese citizen and has a Portuguese passport.

In her defence, Gayathri Yogarajah said Ms De Sousa Abreu had notified HMP Wandsworth of her travel plans, which were duly passed on to Scotland Yard.

The 30-year-old man was granted conditional bail and will appear for a plea and case management hearing on July 29 at Isleworth Crown Court.

De Sousa Abreu pulled his hoodie over his face as he left court

De Sousa Abreu pulled his hoodie over his face as he left court

The former prison officer was carrying a large suitcase and hid her face as she left the court

The former prison officer was carrying a large suitcase and hid her face as she left the court

De Sousa Abreu covered his face with his hoodie as he left court

De Sousa Abreu covered his face with his hoodie as he left court

The Metropolitan Police have launched an urgent investigation after becoming aware of a video purportedly filmed inside HMP Wandsworth (pictured).

The Metropolitan Police launched an urgent investigation after learning of a video allegedly filmed inside HMP Wandsworth (pictured)

De Souza arrived at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court today (file image)

De Souza arrived at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court today (file image)

You must remain at the south west London address given to the court.

Her Portuguese passport must remain in the possession of the police and she cannot try to get it back.

You are prohibited from requesting or being in possession of international travel documents and must surrender your Portuguese identity document with which you can travel.

Ms Da Sousa Abreu is also banned from entering any UK ports and must be monitored electronically between 9am and 7pm.

A Prison Service spokesman said: “Corruption of staff is not tolerated and the former prison officer who allegedly appears in this video has been reported to the police.

‘It would be inappropriate to comment further while they investigate.’

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