Home US Flight attendant issues stern warning to plane passengers who drink at airport before boarding

Flight attendant issues stern warning to plane passengers who drink at airport before boarding

A flight attendant has issued a stern warning to plane passengers who have a penchant for pre-travel drinks at the airport before boarding the plane (file image)
  • A stewardess pleads with passengers not to overdo it in the terminal
  • “Please don’t let it show when you get on the plane,” he reasoned.
  • He wants to continue explaining that legally he cannot allow the passage of visibly intoxicated passengers.

A flight attendant has issued a stern warning to air passengers who have a penchant for pre-travel drinks at the airport before boarding the plane.

The employee, who works with a major US airline, made a plea on TikTok to those who might be tempted to enjoy one too many drinks in the terminal.

“This is a public service announcement for everyone who likes to drink at the airport,” he began.

‘Please don’t let it be noticeable when you get on the plane. I don’t want to kick you out. You don’t want to be embarrassed. You don’t want to miss your flight.

“It’s a win-win situation,” the frequent traveler implored.

A flight attendant has issued a stern warning to plane passengers who have a penchant for pre-travel drinks at the airport before boarding the plane (file image)

‘Don’t make it obvious. Don’t be stupid,’ he lectured. ‘If you can’t handle alcohol, find out.

‘Don’t get drunk, because we are legally obliged to kick you off the plane if you appear to be drunk.

‘It’s not me, it’s like being a fool. Well?’ she concluded.

It is an international industry standard not to allow visibly intoxicated passengers to board airplanes.

And the Specific to US Federal Aviation Regulationsand that airlines cannot “permit any person to board any of their aircraft if that person appears to be intoxicated.”

Drunk passengers who cause enough disruption while on board a flight can face consequences ranging from fines to being banned from flying on board the airline in question in the future.

It is also important to note that higher altitudes can increase the effects of alcohol poisoning.

Flight attendant issues stern warning to plane passengers who drink

1718055757 883 Flight attendant issues stern warning to plane passengers who drink

1718055757 239 Flight attendant issues stern warning to plane passengers who drink

Dozens of people responded to TikTok comments, with some mocking alcohol consumption in airports while others shared cautionary tales.

Dozens of people responded to TikTok comments, with some mocking alcohol consumption in airports while others shared cautionary tales.

Beyond that, drunk passengers have been known to harass or even assault cabin crew, and could pose an additional danger to themselves and others in the event of an emergency.

Dozens took to the TikTok comments, with some mocking alcohol consumption in airports while others shared cautionary tales.

“Imagine how drunk you have to be to be told, ‘You’re too drunk to sit in a seat,'” one mused.

“I literally bring my to-go glass full of wine from the onboard lounge lol,” admitted another.

“The other day, at 5:30 in the morning, they had to take a drunk woman off the plane while she was waiting for my flight. What the hell!” a third intervened.

‘I once had to help a woman get on her flight. They hit her against the bar. She made the flight,” she offered her a room.

In any case, the warning is not falling out of the blue, given the countless reports of drunk and belligerent travelers, many of whom even make headlines.

Earlier this spring, DailyMail.com reported on a woman who had a drunken meltdown in the Dallas-Fort Worth terminal after she was barred from boarding her flight to Colombia because she was visibly intoxicated.

He also allegedly assaulted at least one airline employee during the episode.

Before being removed from the airport, she verbally harassed police officers and urinated on herself before being loaded into a police car.

And in May, a frazzled Manchester fan was escorted off his flight, while other passengers applauded his dismissal.

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