Home Health Young people who vape are as fit as smokers of the same age, study reveals

Young people who vape are as fit as smokers of the same age, study reveals

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Two teenagers vaping. Young vapers perform worse on exercise than their peers who do not use e-cigarettes and record results similar to those of smokers of the same age, according to a study (file image)

Young vapers perform worse on exercise tests than their non-vaping peers and record similar results to smokers of the same age, according to a study.

Researchers said the findings add to evidence that long-term use of vapes is harmful and challenge the belief that vaping could be a healthier alternative to smoking.

The study, conducted by a team at Manchester Metropolitan University, included 60 people aged between 20 and 30 who had normal lung function.

One third were non-smokers and non-vapers, another third had been vaping for at least two years, and the final third had been smoking for two years or more.

Each person took part in a progressive exercise test on a stationary bike. This is the gold standard for assessing a person’s physical capacity and ability to exercise, looking at the responses of their heart, lungs and muscles at increasing levels until they reach their maximum.

Two teenagers vaping. Young vapers perform worse on exercise than their peers who do not use e-cigarettes and record results similar to those of smokers of the same age, according to a study (file image)

The maximum capacity of vapers was similar to that of smokers, which stood at 182 watts on average (file image)

The maximum capacity of vapers was similar to that of smokers, which stood at 182 watts on average (file image)

They also underwent blood tests and an ultrasound to analyse how their arteries were working. The tests revealed that the vaping group of young people had a lower “maximal exercise capacity” than the group that did not vape or smoke – producing 186 watts compared with 226 watts. This measure reflects the maximum amount of physical effort a person can achieve.

The maximum capacity of vapers was similar to that of smokers, which averaged 182 watts.

At peak exercise, vapers and smokers also consumed less oxygen on average compared to the non-smoking, non-vaping group, consuming 2.7 liters, 2.6 liters, and 3 liters per minute respectively.

Blood tests and ultrasounds showed that both vapers and smokers showed signs that their blood vessels were not working as well as the group that did not smoke or vape.

Smokers and vapers also experienced more shortness of breath, intense leg fatigue and higher blood lactate levels – a sign of muscle fatigue – even before they reached their peak exercise level. Dr Azmy Faisal presented the results at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congress in Vienna. He said: ‘Smokers and vapers measurably overbreathed while using the exercise bikes. They found it harder to breathe, their muscles fatigued more and they were less fit overall.

Blood tests and ultrasounds revealed that both vapers and smokers showed signs that their blood vessels were not working as well as the non-smoking and non-vaping group (file image)

Blood tests and ultrasounds revealed that both vapers and smokers showed signs that their blood vessels were not working as well as the non-smoking and non-vaping group (file image)

‘In this regard, our research indicated that vaping is no better than smoking.’

Dr Filippos Filippidis, from the ERS’s tobacco control committee and professor of public health at Imperial College London, said: ‘Vaporizers are sold at low prices and in a variety of flavours to appeal to young people.

‘As a result, we are seeing more and more young people taking up the habit without knowing what the long-term consequences for their health might be.’

She added: “People who vape should be aware that using these products could cause them to become unfit and unable to exercise. Doctors and policy makers should also be aware of the risks of vaping, and we should do everything we can to help children and young people avoid or stop vaping.”

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