Home US The traditional wife ‘influencer’ provokes reactions with stinging advice to feminists, minorities and LBGTQ groups

The traditional wife ‘influencer’ provokes reactions with stinging advice to feminists, minorities and LBGTQ groups

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The traditional wife 'influencer' provokes reactions with stinging advice to feminists, minorities and LBGTQ groups

A white influencer who was already under fire for using the “n” word in a relationship video has drawn fresh criticism for attacking feminists, minorities and LGBTQ groups.

TikToker Lilly Gaddis stated that minority groups should be “grateful” to live in the United States and should stop playing the “victim card” in a video posted to her now-deleted account.

“Something that is absolutely unforgivable is that people play the victim card while living in the United States,” he said in his video, which was shared with X on Monday.

‘Bitch, you live in the freest and safest country in the world and you have the nerve to play the victim card?’

He then turned his attention to minority groups, stating that their lives are better because they live in the United States.

Lilly Gaddis, a ‘commercial wives’ influencer, has sparked fresh backlash for a video in which she attacks minorities, feminists and the LGBTQ community.

—Do you realize that there are slave traders in Africa? he said, wearing a blue Maui t-shirt with his hair up.

‘Look for it, look for that video of all those African slaves at auction. That’s happening right now! And you have the nerve to complain about racism in America.

At the time, Gaddis directed her ire at feminists, telling them: “There are women being stoned to death in the Middle East because they were raped.”

“They raped them and stoned them to death. And you have the nerve to complain about sexism in America?

‘Shut up. “Shut your mouth,” he told his more than 45,100 followers.

Gaddis argues in the video that minorities should be 'grateful' to live in the US.

Gaddis argues in the video that minorities should be ‘grateful’ to live in the US.

Gaddis had more than 45,100 followers on his now-suspended TikTok page

Gaddis had more than 45,100 followers on his now-suspended TikTok page

“Right now there are people who have been kidnapped by the cartel and are waiting to be tortured or killed,” Gaddis continued. ‘There are people being trafficked right now… right now.

‘And you have the nerve to play your victim card and act like a victim in this country, and you are so mean to this country?

‘I have news for you, idiot, shit has happened to everyone. Everyone has gone through tough times in life, you’re not the only one, okay?

“You’re not unique because you’re a minority or you’re part of the rainbow community or you’re a woman,” Gaddis said, apparently referring to the LGBTQ community.

“We are all very lucky to be born in this country where you can’t be trafficked the moment you leave home or beheaded if you’re raped,” she said, before correcting herself. “I mean stoned to death.”

“Like maybe being grateful to live in a country instead of such an ungrateful, stupid, delusional asshole,” the video concluded.

Gaddis was already facing backlash for using the 'n-word' while ranting about gold diggers.

Gaddis was already facing backlash for using the ‘n-word’ while ranting about gold diggers.

It’s unclear when she posted the video, as her TikTok page was temporarily suspended, but it was shared with X on Monday when Gaddis faced backlash for another video in which she used the ‘n-word’ while talking about relationships.

Wearing a floral apron and sprinkling garlic powder, pepper and olive oil into a bowl, Gaddis made references to ‘dumb morons’ and ‘newly arrived immigrants looking for a green card’ while talking about gold diggers.

More than 400 people posted their reaction to the video, some expressing outrage while others were confused.

‘I didn’t even get to the n-word, just “fools and immigrants” and I immediately closed the clock! Imagine the surprise when you see the rest of the clip that got worse!’ wrote a user

Another reached out directly to her employer, Rophe of the Carolinas, a home health care company for seniors and disabled people in Wilmington, North Carolina.

“I think it’s absolutely disgusting that you all have such a foul-mouthed, racist, disrespectful person associated with your company,” the X user wrote. ‘She’s disgusting!’

The company has since confirmed that Gaddis was fired from her position as marketing and sales manager.

Gaddis has since been fired from her marketing job because she doubled down on her beliefs.

Gaddis has since been fired from her marketing job because she doubled down on her beliefs.

In a statement Tuesday, executives at the home health agency noted that Gaddis was recently hired by the company and insisted that her “inflammatory comments … do not align with our company’s values ​​and beliefs.”

“We want to be clear that these sentiments are not representative of our organization and we do not condone or support such behavior.”

They noted that the company is owned and operated by an African American woman and an immigrant, and wrote that they are committed to “fostering a diverse, inclusive and respectful work environment where all people are valued and respected.”

“We understand the importance of upholding our principles of equality and understanding, and we will continue to strive to create a culture of respect within our organization,” the statement concluded.

“We appreciate the trust and support of our community, and we are dedicated to rebuilding any trust that may have been shaken by this unfortunate incident.”

But so far, Gaddis has simply doubled down on his beliefs.

On Tuesday, he thanked the black community for

On Tuesday, he thanked the Black community for “helping me launch my new career in conservative media.”

As the backlash spread, he posted another video on X in which he acknowledged to his thousands of followers that the video “seems to have upset members of a certain community.”

But, he said, he did a “deep dive and soul searching and after all that I still couldn’t find a care.”

Then on Tuesday, he thanked the Black community “for helping me launch my new career in conservative media.”

“You all played your roles well like the puppets you are.”

DailyMail.com has contacted Gaddis for comment.

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