Home Australia Soccer star given brutal ultimatum after revealing shocking and highly offensive tattoos: ‘They’re so vile’

Soccer star given brutal ultimatum after revealing shocking and highly offensive tattoos: ‘They’re so vile’

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A young footballer has been reprimanded for two very offensive tattoos
  • A football star has gotten offensive tattoos
  • He has received a brutal ultimatum from his league
  • The tattoos have been described as “vile”.

A young Cronulla footballer was told to cover his offensive tattoos or not play football after shocking staff with body art.

According to News Corp, the youngster received a warning from Cronulla junior rugby league officials for two inappropriate tattoos.

A tattoo on his leg says “eat s**t,” while a second tattoo on his other leg says “snort and f*** lines.”

Cronulla officials only became aware of the highly offensive tattoos when a photo of the player’s anonymous designs circulated on social media.

“Just vile,” said Buzz Rothfield of News Corp.

A young footballer has been reprimanded for two very offensive tattoos

‘They are so offensive. It’s very homophobic. They did not realized. They didn’t check the leg tattoos of all the players they chose in the representative teams, but when a photo of the player was posted on social media, they recognized it and sent it to the New South Wales Rugby League and good for it. Dave Trodden.

‘He jumped on it straight away. He said we have zero tolerance for any form of bullying, harassment or defamation towards people with diverse sexualities and genders.

“They’ve told this guy, ‘Cover them with duct tape or you’ll never play in a NSW Rugby League sanctioned competition again.'” He applauds you for criticizing his garbage so harshly.

“He plays in a club where there are a lot of young men and women who participate for fun, for the camaraderie and it’s just out of character.”

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