Home Australia Robust Extreme: Urgent warning against taking illegal “sex power” pills

Robust Extreme: Urgent warning against taking illegal “sex power” pills

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Robust Extreme capsules pose a serious risk to men's health and should not be taken. Image: supplied

Health authorities are warning men who are having trouble in the bedroom to stay away from a dangerous drug that promises to boost sexual potency.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration has issued an urgent warning over imported ‘Robust Extreme’ capsules, which claim to help men suffering from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

“Robust Extreme capsules pose a serious health risk and should not be taken,” the TGA said on Monday.

‘We have analyzed a product called Robust Extreme capsules and found that they contain the undeclared substance o-propylvardenafil, an analogue of vardenafil.

‘Vardenafil taken in combination with other medications may cause serious side effects.

‘Vardenafil can interact with nitrates in some prescription medications and may lower blood pressure to dangerous levels. People with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease are often prescribed nitrates.

‘Consumers are advised that vardenafil is a prescription-only substance in Australia. The supply of Robust Extreme capsules containing undisclosed vardenafil is illegal.

Robust Extreme capsules pose a serious risk to men’s health and should not be taken. Image: supplied

‘We have not assessed the quality, safety or efficacy of Robust Extreme capsules as required by Australian law, and the manufacturing site is not approved by us.’

The TGA has advised consumers to stop using the fraudulent pills immediately.

“If you suspect you have had a side effect, also known as an adverse event, to this product, please let us know,” the TGA said.

Advertisements for the pills state that they contain cistanche sauce extract, which supposedly increases men’s sexual power and “is useful in increasing circulation to the genitals.”

The TGA said Australians should be careful when purchasing medicines from unknown overseas websites.

“Products purchased online may contain undisclosed and potentially harmful ingredients and may not meet the same standards of quality, safety and efficacy as those approved by us for supply in Australia,” the health agency said.

The TGA said it was working with the Australian Border Force to prevent the capsules from entering the Australian market.

“We will notify ABF to seize and destroy any of these products intercepted at the border.”

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