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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle forced to step down

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 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are being pushed into retirement, says royal editor

According to royal editor Tom Sykes, Buckingham Palace wants Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to retire to a quiet, dark place. In a recent interview, Sykes spoke about the royal family’s stance on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, as reported by Daily ExpressSykes stressed that Harry and Meghan, now considered “private citizens,” are free to go “anywhere” they choose at this point.

“The Palace would prefer Harry and Meghan to just retreat into obscurity,” Sykes said, echoing the royals’ sentiments. Since stepping down from their roles as senior royals in 2020, Harry and Meghan have been in the media spotlight, particularly following their explosive interviews and Harry’s tell-all memoir, ReplacementHis actions have significantly strained his relations with other members of the royal family.

Sykes stressed that despite their newfound freedom, the couple’s continued public presence and outspoken criticism of the royal institution has not gone down well with Buckingham Palace. “They are now private citizens and could, in theory, choose to live wherever they want.” Sykes pointed outsuggesting that the Palace hopes they will take this opportunity to lead a quieter, more private life.

The tension between Harry and Meghan and the rest of the royal family has been palpable. Their move to the United States, high-profile projects and frank conversations about their experiences within the royal family have only amplified the rift.

Despite these challenges, the royal family has maintained a public attitude of unity and resilience. The Queen’s death and King Charles’s accession to the throne have further underlined the need for stability and continuity within the monarchy, making the Palace’s desire for Harry and Meghan to take a backseat all the more pressing.

As private citizens, Harry and Meghan have the potential to redefine their roles and contributions away from public scrutiny. Whether or not they will do so, however, is uncertain. Sykes’ remarks shed light on the royal family’s hopes for a quieter future for the Sussexes. For now, the public and media continue to watch their every move, waiting to see how this complex saga plays out. The possibility of Harry and Meghan retreating into a more private life could offer a path to easing tensions and fostering a more peaceful relationship with the royal family.

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