Home US My stepfather raped me when I was 14 years old; Even when I was 20, he would show up at my house to abuse me and I was afraid I would never escape him.

My stepfather raped me when I was 14 years old; Even when I was 20, he would show up at my house to abuse me and I was afraid I would never escape him.

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Gill Paylor, now 42, from Hartlepool, never thought she would see the day her abuser was put behind bars.

A mother-of-two who was sexually abused by her evil stepfather has revealed how she thought she would die with his secret.

Gill Paylor, now 42, from Hartlepool, County Durham, was 14 when Richard Williams, 61, began his almost decade-long reign of terror against her.

The abuse only ended when Gill was 23 and met her husband, Sean Paylor, 37, leaving Williams unable to continue taking advantage of her.

Although Gill had attempted to overcome her past, she suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder over the years and attempted suicide on numerous occasions while raising her children.

But her husband helped his wife get ahead, inspiring him to become a police officer. Williams has now been sentenced to 28 years.

Gill Paylor, now 42, from Hartlepool, never thought she would see the day her abuser was put behind bars.

Richard Williams (pictured), 61, has been sentenced to 28 years in prison for abusing Gill as a child.

Richard Williams (pictured), 61, has been sentenced to 28 years in prison for abusing Gill as a child.

Gill, a support worker, said: “I spent half my life being harassed and abused by a predator. But now I’ve got my life back and it’s his turn to suffer.

“I want other women, especially wives and mothers, to know that no matter how old you are, it is never too late to reach out and get justice.”

In 1990, Gill was nine years old when her stepfather, Williams, moved into the family home after meeting her mother.

Growing up, he never had a father figure and initially found Williams to be attentive and loving.

Gill said: “But Richard became much more sensitive over the years, wanting to tickle me or play-fight.” Then one afternoon when he was 14, Mom was at work and Richard came into my room.’

He started feeling my breasts and put his hands inside my pants. She told me that was what people did when they loved each other.

‘Scared and confused, I remained silent. After he left, I told myself I should be normal and didn’t tell anyone. I thought that was what dads did.

After that, Williams took advantage of Gill whenever her mother was at work. Three months later, he raped her.

The mother of two met Richard Williams when she was nine years old.

The mother of two met Richard Williams when she was nine years old.

It was only when Gill found love with Sean Paylor (pictured together), 37, that she felt able to come forward and report her abuser.

It was only when Gill found love with Sean Paylor (pictured together), 37, that she felt able to come forward and report her abuser.

Gill said: ‘Richard took my virginity. He told me that I was his special girl and that he would do anything for me. He made me feel loved.

‘But as I got older, I started to realize it was wrong and wondered if I was being abused. She had normalized it for so long that she didn’t know what to believe.

Meanwhile, Williams warned Gill to never tell her mother and that no one would believe her.

As Gill grew older, she fell into a deep depression as the abuse worsened. Gill said: “He was violent and the whole family feared him.” I felt trapped and isolated.

‘After every sexual assault, I buried my head in the sand and told myself that none of that was happening. He also became controlling and never let me see friends or have boyfriends.’

Desperate to escape, Gill moved away in 2010 when she was 18. Meanwhile, Williams got a new job as a taxi driver.

Gill said: ‘When I got my own flat, it was my new beginning. She hoped she would never see Richard again. But just a few days later, as I was unpacking and settling into my new place, I heard a knock.

‘It was Ricardo. He towered over me and entered. In my new apartment, with my new life, he started abusing me again. ‘He was terrified.’

Even after Sean and Gill married and had children, she still suffered from flashbacks of her abuse and crippling post-traumatic stress disorder.

Even after Sean and Gill married and had children, she still suffered from flashbacks of her abuse and crippling post-traumatic stress disorder.

After helping Gill confront her past, Sean was inspired to become a police officer and advocate for other victims of abuse.

After helping Gill confront her past, Sean was inspired to become a police officer and advocate for other victims of abuse.

Over the years, Williams told Gill’s mother that he was going to visit her for a cup of tea or that he would visit her in the middle of his taxi shifts.

Gill said: ‘Richard would wait outside my house and never let me out. My mental health hit an all-time low. I thought he would die with my secret. I wanted it all to end.’

But in 2005, Gill met her husband, Sean, through mutual friends in Hartlepool and the couple fell madly in love. After six months together, Gill confessed to Sean about the abuse that was occurring.

Gill said: ‘Sean hugged me tight and I was heartbroken. But I didn’t have the courage to tell him that he was Richard. Especially since he knew him through family things.

‘By then, Sean and I never spent a day apart, so Richard’s visits stopped. And at the age of 23, he was no longer his victim after almost a decade. When I felt like giving up, Sean helped me see the light. He gave me a new life.’

Over the years, Gill and Sean had two daughters together, Brooke, 17, and Maddison, 11.

Years later, Williams and Gill’s mother separated and she never saw him again. Gill said: ‘Over time, Sean also discovered that Richard had been my abuser all along.

‘Sean was disgusted and hated it. He continued to give me the support he needed. Although, no matter how much I tried to move on, my past haunted me.

Gill wants to encourage other survivors to speak out and urges them to know that they are not alone.

Gill wants to encourage other survivors to speak out and urges them to know that they are not alone.

‘When I was 30, Sean and I got married. But even with a loving husband and two wonderful children, I suffered from crippling PTSD. I had constant nightmares about Richard and attempted suicide several times.

In July 2018, Gill suffered a mental breakdown at home. With his blessing, Sean called the police and filed a police report on his behalf.

Gill said: “The police treated me very carefully and, most importantly, they believed me.” It was like the world was taken away from me.

‘Sean was so inspired by me that he decided to become a police officer in 2022, at the age of 35. He wanted to help people, especially survivors like me. He loved him even more for that.’

The following year, in August 2023, Richard Williams, 61, of Hartlepool, was found guilty of six counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault against Gill at Teesside Crown Court. In September 2023 he was sentenced to 28 years.

Gill said: ‘Sean took the stand and gave evidence. But when Richard came upstairs, he blatantly lied and told the jury it was all consensual.

‘It was horrible, but I felt a strength I had never had before. She was no longer a victim; I was a survivor. Now I feel relieved because Richard will probably die in prison. I am also finally recovering and moving forward with my life.

‘To other survivors, if I can do it, so can you. Please don’t suffer in silence anymore. It was never your fault and they will believe you.

For help and support, contact Samaritans on 116 123 or visit samaritans.org

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