Home Australia Jana Hocking: This is the only place where men go to cheat

Jana Hocking: This is the only place where men go to cheat

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Jana Hocking dislikes male behavior on weekends

A few years ago, I was on a girls’ trip to Byron Bay. We were young, carefree singles, running around town like we owned the place.

One afternoon, we put on our cutest summer dresses and headed to the famous Beach Hotel for an afternoon of Aperol Spritz and plenty of chances to flirt.

I can successfully say that both things happened, just with a slight plot twist.

We spoke to a group of men next to us who told us they were from Melbourne and had traveled for a weekend of golf and surfing. They were in great shape and so were we.

I got along with one ridiculously attractive guy in the group who didn’t have a wedding ring (tick) and acted very single (tick). We flirted, danced and kissed like teenagers all night. He was glorious.

Jana Hocking dislikes male behavior on weekends

Jana Hocking dislikes male behavior on weekends

The next night he texted me to see where my friends and I were and suggested we meet up again. We had a lot of fun the night before, so we were really looking forward to it.

For the next few hours, we bar-hopped and ended up watching the sun rise on the beach. three Romantic.

We finally said goodbye to them and returned to our apartment to sleep and unpack the night’s events. My dumb romantic brain was already trying to figure out how we could make a long distance relationship work and when I could see him again.

That’s when the text message arrived.

A man she spent two nights on vacation with told Jana that he was actually there on his own weekend.

A man she spent two nights on vacation with told Jana that he was actually there on his own weekend.

A man she spent two nights on vacation with told Jana that he was actually there on his own weekend.

He started out very sweet, saying that he had had a great time catching up with me and how much he had enjoyed it. But she ended with a statement that made my hair stand on end.

He was like, ‘Okay, I have to tell you something and I’m not proud of it.’

Oh God.

I said, okay, what is it? Little by little it was starting to scare me. Then I had to stare at those annoying writing bubbles for what seemed like a million years while he explained it to me.

“I’m about to get married,” he said.

By now I had called all the girls to absorb this with me. I asked them if they were aware. Had any of the other boys informed you about this important detail?

They said no, none of the other kids in their group had told them. Instead, they watched everything unfold and kept their mouths shut.

1712438804 992 Jana Hocking This is the only place where men go

1712438804 992 Jana Hocking This is the only place where men go

“I’ve heard many stories similar to mine over the years, and I’m starting to believe that’s exactly what these weekends are designed for,” Jana said.

Still in shock, I asked him if this weekend was his and received a very short one-word answer. ‘Yeah’.

We had spent hours with this group. Not once did they reveal that they agreed. The girls and I were upset!

But I’m not the first girl to be fooled by a weekend of money, and I dare say I won’t be the last. I’ve heard many stories similar to mine over the years and I’m starting to believe that’s exactly what these weekends are designed to do.

One last hurrah. One last stretch. A memorable roll in the hay before moving in. I daresay they do it guilt-free, genuinely believing it’s okay because it’s just “one last time too.”

Last week someone sent a daring secret to my Instagram account that said: ‘The best man at my wedding asked for an escort for my money. He didn’t want anything to do with her, so he had a good night. The next weekend, after the money, her face was covered in herpes.

First of all, hahaha. But the question arises: why the hell does the best man order an escort to the dollars?

Don’t get me wrong, we all enjoy a good striptease show. I have witnessed many firefighters and police officers “coming to my rescue.” But an escort?

That’s crossing the line. I asked my male friends if they had ever attended a dollar party where an escort was ordered, and three of the five people I asked said yes.

While us women are busy laughing at men while trying to paint their portraits for ‘life drawing classes’ or wrapping our bodies around poles in an attempt to learn how to striptease, the men get down and dirty with hired help. .

In fact, a recent study found that more than 70 percent of men cheat at money parties. A survey of 6,000 people defined cheating as anything from flirting or downloading a dating app during the holidays to sexting or sleeping with someone other than your partner.

The most common cases of infidelity were mildly tame, receiving an erotic dance (33.1 percent) and kissing (21.3 percent). Although 11.2 percent of attendees admitted to having slept with another person and 9 percent said they were part of a threesome.


I know a couple who recently had a joint Bucks and Hens party. At first I thought it was a little silly, but now it makes a lot more sense.

So, for the record, YES it is cheating. Even on the weekend of your money. So for the love of God, guys, keep it in your pants. What happened to a good weekend of golf? Now there’s an idea…

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