Home Australia James May claims Pride has been ‘hijacked’ after sparking a row over the number of ‘authoritarian’ rainbow flag buntings on display.

James May claims Pride has been ‘hijacked’ after sparking a row over the number of ‘authoritarian’ rainbow flag buntings on display.

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James May, 61, insisted his opinion is simply based on his dislike of the swaths of bunting covering the streets of London, adding that it is

James May accused Pride of being “hijacked” after sparking a social media row by calling the number of LGBTQ+ rainbow bunting “authoritarian”.

The former Top Gear presenter, 61, insisted his opinion was simply based on him not liking the decorations covering the streets of London, adding that it is “healthy” that people are talking about it during Christmas Month. Pride.

It comes after the Amazon star sparked fury when she criticized the event’s flags as “oppressive”, even suggesting World War II started with “Too Much Bunting”.

He also spoke about his friend Jeremy Clarkson’s attack on Surrey Police after one of their officers knocked down a cow on a residential street in Feltham, west London, on Friday in an exclusive chat with MailOnline.

Speaking while enjoying a cigarette and a cup of tea after a “lovely” lunch of egg and chips, May said: “I don’t think he was kidnapped – no, I do actually.” I think it has been commercialized.

James May, 61, insisted his opinion is simply based on his dislike of the swaths of bunting covering the streets of London, adding that it is “healthy” that people are talking about it during Pride Month.

It comes after the Amazon star sparked fury when she criticized the event's decorations as

It comes after the Amazon star sparked fury when she criticized the event’s decorations as “authoritarian” and “oppressive”.

Posting the tweet alongside a photo of flags along Regent Street in London, he even suggested that World War II began with

Posting the tweet alongside a photo of flags along Regent Street in London, he even suggested that World War II began with “Too Much Bunting.”

“But I don’t think it’s a secret; I think a lot of LBGT people would potentially be okay with that.”

‘But that wasn’t really the point of my tweet. I was just saying that I don’t like a lot of pennants. I think a lot of people don’t do it.

Pride events have been repeatedly criticized for losing their focus on human rights; Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell harshly criticized the parade in London for being “too corporate and commercial” on the 50th anniversary of Britain’s first march.

Last week, May’s post attracted thousands of comments and likes, with some saying they were “confused” by the point she was trying to make, while others said: “I agree, less is more when it comes to hanging things on streets”. .

He shared the post alongside an image of the Pride flag bunting that had been hung along Regent Street in central London, although it is unclear whether this was a photograph from this year’s celebrations or not.

Many criticized his comments, with some saying they were “confused” by the point he was trying to make.

One person wrote: “I hope you’re not implying that somehow the LGBTQ+ community is in danger of starting World War III because of some rainbow flags, James.”

But May stood firm in her stance and said: ‘I’m not, no. Backing out’.

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Another commenter said: ‘Respectfully, comparing the LGBT community to Nazis is very offensive. Very disappointed, James.

But May refuted the claim she was comparing the LGBT community to Nazis, replying: “But I haven’t, have I?”

But, speaking near his home in Hammersmith, London, the Man Lab star continued: “A lot of people say that tweeting about this has brought out a lot of homophobes, and there is a bit of that, but I think the haters – As they say online: haters gonna hate.

‘So if I had said, ‘Hey, Pride is cool!’ I think they should have more flags!’ -Anything she had said would have come to light.

‘I had quite a pleasant exchange with India Willoughby; The thing is, people talk about it, which is healthy.

‘One or two people have said you shouldn’t talk about it if you’re not going to be positive, but it wouldn’t make any difference. You can’t say, well, then let’s not talk about it, because the only reason Pride Month continues is to talk about it, which I think is very healthy. I don’t see that it can cause any harm.

May also took the opportunity to back her colleague Jeremy Clarkson, after the intrepid farmer criticized Surrey Police for gunning down a calf that had escaped with his patrol car in horrifying footage.

The animal, named Beau Lucy, was thrown 30ft when it was hit by a 4×4 in Feltham, west London, on Friday.

May also took the opportunity to back her colleague Jeremy Clarkson, after the intrepid farmer criticized Surrey Police for gunning down a calf that had escaped with his patrol car in horrifying footage.

May also took the opportunity to back her colleague Jeremy Clarkson, after the intrepid farmer criticized Surrey Police for gunning down a calf that had escaped with his patrol car in horrifying footage.

The animal, named Beau Lucy, was thrown 30ft when it was hit by a 4x4 in Feltham, west London, on Friday.

The animal, named Beau Lucy, was thrown 30ft when it was hit by a 4×4 in Feltham, west London, on Friday.

Beau Lucy is now recovering at home, and her owner told Channel 5 News that she is

Beau Lucy is now recovering at home, and her owner told Channel 5 News that she is “grumpy and bruised” but is otherwise in “remarkable condition” despite her ordeal.

Taking to social media on Sunday, Clarkson fumed: “I’ll vote for any party that stops police from running over cows.”

And his once belligerent colleague supported his position, although he admitted that the motor journalist had a “personal interest” because he raises cattle.

Mr May said: “I actually agree with him on the cow.” In general, police should avoid running over people and animals as a general rule, but Jeremy obviously has a personal interest since he owns cows.

‘I had never thought that cows were dangerous. Because there used to be cows in a field near where I stayed; I used to go to the fields and they would come up to me and try to lick my face.

‘I never thought cows were a threat. I mean, they trample things, but they’re not tigers or dangerous dogs, they’re just fucking cows! In reality, they are quite useless.

Beau Lucy is now recovering at home, and her owner told Channel 5 News that she is “grumpy and bruised” but is otherwise in “remarkable condition” despite her ordeal.

But yesterday a farmer and a union boss claimed police were “probably right” to charge the escaping calf.

Hugh Broom, South East livestock chairman of the National Farmers Union, said that although the images looked “horrific”, officers probably “did the right thing at the time”.

The animal was thrown 30ft when it was hit by a Surrey Police 4x4 in Feltham, west London.

The animal was thrown 30ft when it was hit by a Surrey Police 4×4 in Feltham, west London.

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The 10-month-old cow suffered grazes and a large gash on her leg when she was cut.

The disturbing images sparked widespread anger and Surrey Police later announced that the officer behind the wheel had been removed from frontline duties pending an investigation.

Broom told BBC Radio Surrey: “Although it all seems horrendous, and it is for everyone, they probably did the right thing at the time.”

‘The other option is to shoot the animal. In that environment, would you want to use a rifle in a built-up area on a dark Friday night?

Broom added: “God forbid I had gone the wrong way and the animal ran away and crashed into someone, sent a child flying, sent anyone flying, (which is) perfectly possible, and they were seriously injured or Something worse”.

‘People said, ‘Why didn’t they stop the animal?’

But despite Broom attempting to justify the incident, Beau Lucy’s owner has expressed fears the cow may become infertile.

The calf was designated from birth as a “breeding cow,” saving her a one-way trip to the slaughterhouse in favor of spending her entire life grazing lush pastures with generations of her own offspring.

Cows typically begin calving at around two or three years of age and continue to do so for about a decade.

Now the farmer’s friends fear the stress of the attack has left her unable to reproduce, leaving him with no humane way of recouping the investment in her food and care if Surrey Police fail to pay compensation.

If Beau Lucy’s injuries prevent her from giving birth, the owner will have wasted thousands of pounds on her at a time when many farmers are struggling to make ends meet.

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