Home Australia Inside the ‘most neglected hoarder’s house ever’: TikToker reveals abandoned, rotting home filled with trash, cobwebs and animal poop

Inside the ‘most neglected hoarder’s house ever’: TikToker reveals abandoned, rotting home filled with trash, cobwebs and animal poop

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Sean Piper, from Kent, found the house abandoned and rotting, filled with rubbish, cobwebs and animal droppings.

A TikTok urban explorer ventured into the “most overgrown hoarder’s house ever” and shared the disgusting discovery on social media.

Sean Piper, from Kent, found the house abandoned and rotting, filled with rubbish, cobwebs and animal droppings.

The content creator shared a video of the house, which he says has been abandoned for about five years “but feels like it’s been there longer.”

He said the property was most likely abandoned after the owner died and his family inherited it.

In the video, Sean can be seen wandering outside, showing the camera four abandoned and neglected cars, overgrown and rusting, in the garden.

Sean Piper, from Kent, found the house abandoned and rotting, filled with rubbish, cobwebs and animal droppings.

The content creator shared a video of the house, which he says has been abandoned for about five years.

The content creator shared a video of the house, which he says has been abandoned for about five years “but feels like it’s been there longer.”

In the video, Sean can be seen wandering outside, showing the camera four abandoned and neglected cars, overgrown and rusting, in the garden.

In the video, Sean can be seen wandering outside, showing the camera four abandoned and neglected cars, overgrown and rusting, in the garden.

In the bathroom, there were bags and boxes covering the floor, making it difficult for Sean to even open the door.

In the bathroom, there were bags and boxes covering the floor, making it difficult for Sean to even open the door.

Inside the house, he finds the “most disgusting kitchen” he has ever seen, with piles of unwashed dishes, fermented drinks, and smelly food remains.

The Three Telltale Signs of a Hoarding Problem

1. “Excessive hoarding,” such as ordering multiple packages online or buying groceries in bulk for fear of running out.

2. A “cognitive” or “emotional” difficulty in getting rid of household possessions.

3. Clutter in living spaces.

And in the living room, belongings are piled on top of the furniture.

Numerous ornaments and personal items remain in the house, as well as family photographs, teddy bears and books.

In the bathroom, there were bags and boxes covering the floor, making it difficult for Sean to even open the door.

Sean said the only thing that seemed relatively organized in the house was the paperwork.

Letters and receipts were piled on top of everything else, suggesting that relatives had tried to find important information at some point.

On a table you could also see old family photographs in good condition.

The clip of the discovery, which Sean uploaded to his TikTok account (@seanurbex), has racked up more than 9,000 views, leaving users shocked.

He said: ‘It was actually quite disgusting inside.

‘Wet clothes all over the floor, rat droppings and other animal waste on the floor and on top of piles of accumulated stuff.

Inside the house, find the

Inside the house, he finds the “most disgusting kitchen” he has ever seen, with piles of unwashed dishes, fermented drinks, and stinking food scraps.

Sean said the only thing that seemed relatively organized in the house was the paperwork. Letters and receipts were piled on top of everything else, suggesting relatives had tried to find important information at some point.

Sean said the only thing that seemed relatively organized in the house was the paperwork. Letters and receipts were piled on top of everything else, suggesting relatives had tried to find important information at some point.

The contents of the house were left abandoned after the owner is believed to have died.

The contents of the house were left abandoned after the owner is believed to have died.

Old family photographs could also be seen on a well-maintained table.

Old family photographs could also be seen on a well-maintained table.

The hallway was blocked by piles of trash, making it impossible to walk through.

The hallway was blocked by piles of trash, making it impossible to walk through.

Also discovered among the piles of rubbish was a complete set of what appeared to be silver cutlery.

Also discovered among the piles of rubbish was a complete set of what appeared to be silver cutlery.

Rusty, old cars had been left in the overgrown garden.

Rusty, old cars had been left in the overgrown garden.

Every surface in the house seemed to be cluttered with all sorts of items.

Every surface in the house seemed to be cluttered with all sorts of items.

Sean theorized that the owner of the property must have died for it to exist in that condition.

Sean theorized that the owner of the property must have died for it to exist in that condition.

The living room floor was completely covered in what appeared to be piles of trash.

The living room floor was completely covered in what appeared to be piles of trash.

The rooms were completely filled with boxes of clothes, which had been stacked up to the ceiling.

The rooms were completely filled with boxes of clothes, which had been stacked up to the ceiling.

‘We entered through a back door that was open and the smell was overwhelming as soon as we walked through the overgrown garden.

‘There were also some abandoned and unused cars in the front garden.’

“The lingering smell has put me off returning, as has the large amount of cobwebs and animal droppings,” he told What’s The Jam.

‘I’m used to dirty, abandoned houses, but this was on another level.’

Sean added: ‘The house was given to a family who left it abandoned.

‘I’ve heard the house has been abandoned for about five years, but to me it seems like it’s been longer.’

(tags to translate)dailymail

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