Home Australia I exchanged souls with an alien when I was on the verge of death when I was eight years old; My parents noticed that my personality completely changed.

I exchanged souls with an alien when I was on the verge of death when I was eight years old; My parents noticed that my personality completely changed.

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Kelly Tyler, from Surbiton, London, revealed that

A woman has claimed she is what is known as a “starseed” after she “swapped souls” with an alien when she had a near-death experience when she was eight.

Business consultant Kelly Tyler, 42, from Surbiton, London, joined Ben Shephard and Cat Deeley on This Morning to discuss her unusual story, explaining how it all happened when she became seriously ill with whooping cough.

She said: “I lost all my weight, the doctors said ‘she’s not going to survive’, and at that moment, me and this exchanged souls, this is what’s called a walk-in.”

A walk-in occurs when a person’s original soul has left their body and been replaced by a new, different soul.

He added: “That’s what happened, and now I’m a star seed, but I wasn’t born one, like most people are.”

Kelly Tyler, from Surbiton, London, revealed she “swapped souls” with an alien when she had a near-death experience when she was eight.

Kelly admitted that she doesn’t like calling her soul an alien because there are “too many stigmas attached to the word.” That’s why she uses the term “starseed.”

Starseeds are individuals who believe they have come to Earth from other dimensions to help heal the planet and guide humanity into the “golden age,” a period of great happiness, prosperity and achievement.

Kelly added: “There is a fear of aliens and usually starseeds are here to help humanity.” When we reincarnate as humans, we are here to remember what it is like to be human, to connect with your natural senses instead of being distracted.

“Our role is not to make you look outside of humanity, it is to help you connect with who you really were, with nature, animals and ourselves.”

“Most starseeds are incarnated at birth, so their soul is born as a starseed, but when I was a child I was not born as a starseed.”

Kelly explained that her grandmother used to catch her talking to ‘Tom’, who no one else could see.

Kelly joined Ben Shephard and Cat Deeley on This Morning to discuss the phenomenon on Monday.

Kelly joined Ben Shephard and Cat Deeley on This Morning to discuss the phenomenon on Monday.

The business consultant, 42, explained that she became seriously ill with whooping cough when she was eight years old and that was when she was offered a new soul.

The business consultant, 42, explained that she became seriously ill with whooping cough when she was eight years old and that was when she was offered a new soul.

She said: ‘I was very sensitive as a child, I would take baths and get spots, my lips would swell, I was quite a sick child. Besides, the world was too sensitive for me. I’d be at the bottom of my garden with bugs, instead of interacting with people, it was too much.’

‘Tom was just someone who was here before, now he’s gone. He seemed like a real person, I felt like I could touch him, he felt really normal to me.

‘So I developed a relationship with this being from the age of seven at the end of my garden. It appeared like a light, then it started to show more and we used to have this really comforting telepathic relationship.

“I used to write about it and tell the stories to my parents and they would think, ‘What an active imagination this kid has.'”

Kelly explained that his soul has gone to Arcturus, which is the brightest star in the northern constellation and the fourth brightest star in the night sky.

He discovered where he was from through ‘astral travel’, an out-of-body experience that occurs when you are in a state of deep meditation.

She said: ‘I look back on my life, it’s like looking at my life in photographs. I have no emotional connection to having been there, I have no emotional memory of having had it before I was eight.’

Doctors said it was “a miracle” when the eight-year-old boy began to miraculously recover from the illness.

After exchanging souls with another being, Kelly claimed that her personality completely changed.

‘I went back to school, I had to catch up because I was away for about six months but I lost my allergies, I didn’t have kidney failure and also my intellect changed.

‘I wouldn’t say my parents would ever say I’m stupid, but I went from not being that smart to being able to do things.

‘I passed an entrance exam to a private school, they thought I had no chance of entering. My social skills improved, I became less shy and introverted, significant changes occurred and no one could understand why. ‘

Explaining why people have been given starseed souls, Kelly explained that they are seeing a “tipping point where humanity needs support” and starseeds and help reconnect people with what it means to be human. .

She said: ‘We want people to have more compassion with other sentient beings, to work in harmony.

“It’s about helping people have the ability to reconnect with themselves and raise the frequency of the planet.”

Kelly said she can visit other planets and is connected to Earth with a “purple umbilical cord.”

And he added: ‘They told me to stop coming back here (another planet) because your duty is on earth, stop being distracted and come back when your mission is here.’

Kelly said her purpose is not to try to convince other people about starseeds, but to help people connect with themselves.

What is a starseed?

Starseeds believe they are conduits between the divine realms and Earth and can transport between galaxies.

Starseeds also believe they can communicate in a “language of light”, a form of communication said to overcome human limitations.

The idea is widely attributed to author Brad Steiger, who wrote about the unknown phenomenon in his 1976 book Gods of Aquarius.

There are several ways to tell if you are a starseed, including:

Searching for meaning in life

Feeling a lack of belonging

Be spiritual and have a strong sense of intuition.

More empathetic and sensitive

More physical and mental health problems

Wanting to help humanity

Overwhelmed by life on Earth and recharge by spending time alone

Source: Theconversation.com

Speaking to the Mail Online, Kelly said: “I find the human race very frustrating, especially because there is so much potential that we don’t use.” We all have the ability to “see” or “feel” other dimensions, but we can only do so by raising our consciousness.

‘How do you do this? It’s really simple: live a life based on joy and love, immersed in nature and in the service of others.’

Kelly revealed that her partner knows where she comes from, but

‘Richard and I met in 2014 after being introduced by a mutual friend. I was drawn to his dynamic energy and steady presence.

“He knew I was a little off, and when I explained that I was a starseed, he wasn’t discouraged. He just wanted to know more and is open to the idea that there is more to our universe than we think.

‘The only thing we disagree on is that Richard prefers to sleep with the curtains closed. When he’s away, I keep them open so I can see the stars… and my real home.’

Richard said: While I would like to think I am open to most concepts, the idea of ​​other dimensions and planetary species was not in our school curriculum. I haven’t had any direct experience, but I take Kelly’s word for it.

Only our closest friends know Kelly’s origins, which is why we often look at each other when people say of Kelly, “I’ve never met anyone like you before!”

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