Home Australia EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Is Prince William’s bearded look a jab in the eye for Harry?

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Is Prince William’s bearded look a jab in the eye for Harry?

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The Prince of Wales during a visit to Swiss Valley Community Primary School in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, on September 10

Is Prince William’s bearded appearance an insult to Harry?

In Spare, he made a fuss about the “beard wars”, claiming that William was convinced he had to be clean-shaven for his wedding to Meghan.

“When I informed him that his opinion didn’t really matter because I had already gone to see Grandma and gotten the green light, he was furious,” Harry wrote.

‘He raised his voice… at one point he even ordered me, like the Heir talking to the Spare, to shave.’

Comedian David Mitchell presented ‘Beardgate’ on Radio 4’s The Unbelievable Truth last week, reading out Harry’s account in dramatic fashion.

Was William, a Mitchell fan, laughing as he listened?

The Prince of Wales during a visit to Swiss Valley Community Primary School in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, on September 10

A bearded Prince Harry marries Meghan Markle in 2018. In his book The Spare, Harry claims William told him to be clean-shaven for the royal wedding.

A bearded Prince Harry marries Meghan Markle in 2018. In his book The Spare, Harry claims William told him to be clean-shaven for the royal wedding.

Keir, Barnier and the Queen

With Michel Barnier, the EU’s former Brexit dog, now prime minister of France, how will Keir Starmer deal with him?

Courtiers believe that when Barnier made life difficult for Theresa May, she missed an opportunity.

During his frequent trips to London, he was never granted the greatest diplomatic seduction: the Queen.

Michel Barnier, former Brexit dog in the EU and current Prime Minister of France, appears on Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg in 2023

Michel Barnier, former Brexit dog in the EU and current Prime Minister of France, appears on Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg in 2023

It was well known that lunching with her could charm the birds from the trees, and she could coo in fluent French.

Wouldn’t it be a great way to start a new chapter of the entente cordiale if Starmer were to celebrate Barnier with a visit to the King?

Prince Philip refused to watch the Queen cry in a film, Brandreth claims

Royal correspondent Gyles Brandreth claims the late Duke of Edinburgh refused to watch Helen Mirren’s Oscar-winning portrayal of the Queen, telling her: “Apparently the Queen cries in the film. The Queen doesn’t cry.”

But didn’t His Majesty watch the film more generously?

Helen Mirren as The Queen in the 2006 film

Dame Mirren won an Oscar for her portrayal of the monarch

Helen Mirren portrayed the late monarch in the 2006 film The Queen. She won an Oscar for the role.

Following its premiere in 2006, work commitments prevented Dame Helen from accepting the Queen’s invitation to a private dinner.

Mirren concluded cheerfully: “I had the feeling that (the film) had been seen and that it had been appreciated.”

Norton’s friend Miriam farts at Wembley

Dolly Parton fan Graham Norton once invited Miriam Margolyes to meet Dolly after a show.

‘There was a long queue and suddenly Miriam stopped… and shouted: “Pause. The fart.”

Miriam Margoyles on the Graham Norton show in November 2023

Miriam Margoyles on the Graham Norton show in November 2023

“There are no words to describe how loud that fart was. It rumbled and echoed down the corridor of Wembley Arena. In that queue, no one found it funny. Not one snicker.”

Why do you persist in having such a vulgar guy on your show?

Even real wax figures don’t get along

Visiting Madame Tussauds to find out how many royal waxworks remain, Craig Brown, author of A Journey Around the Queen, spotted Harry “holding on by his fingers” at a discreet distance from William and Kate. Where was Meghan?

Craig reveals: ‘I was standing alone in the awards party area around the corner, within walking distance of Kim Kardashian and the Beckhams.’

The Prince and Princess of Wales stand next to King Charles as Prince Harry smiles in the corner. A set of royal wax figures unveiled at Madame Tussauds in Sydney

The Prince and Princess of Wales stand next to King Charles as Prince Harry smiles in the corner. A set of royal wax figures unveiled at Madame Tussauds in Sydney

Her about her unfortunate marriage to Peter

Su Pollard, as she prepares her powder keg for her 50th anniversary tour, recalls her ill-fated marriage to Australian businessman Peter Keogh.

“Her bag was bigger than mine,” she says. “Christopher Biggins once said to me, ‘Su, you know your husband was gay. What was he like in bed?'”

‘I used to say, “Absent.”‘ Hi-de-hi!

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