Home Travel Do YOU ​​help waiters clear plates when you eat out? Etiquette expert Laura Windsor says they should NEVER do this…

Do YOU ​​help waiters clear plates when you eat out? Etiquette expert Laura Windsor says they should NEVER do this…

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An etiquette expert told her TikTok followers that helping waiters clear plates is actually rude.

An etiquette expert told her TikTok followers that helping waiters clear plates is actually rude.

Laura Windsor posted a video of plates in a restaurant being stacked by a customer accompanied by a caption saying that doing so is “inelegant.”

She continued: ‘You could also take them into the kitchen and load the dishwasher.

An etiquette expert told her TikTok followers that helping waiters clear plates is actually rude.

‘When you’re in a restaurant the goal is to relax and enjoy yourself without feeling like you need to help the waiters.’

Laura even went so far as to say that it is “not polite” and “in bad taste” to “take charge and do someone else’s work.”

Some of her followers disagreed, with one commenter saying: “I used to work in the hospitality industry. I always appreciated people who tried to help out a little.”

Laura Windsor (above) posted a video of plates being stacked by a customer at a restaurant accompanied by a caption saying that doing this is

Laura Windsor (above) posted a video of plates being stacked by a customer at a restaurant accompanied by a caption saying that doing so is “inelegant.”

Another disgruntled viewer said: “Thank goodness my mum raised me right. Stacking a couple of plates has never taken anything away from a meal out for me.”

And ‘CJ’ claimed that “it’s actually inelegant to sit there and watch them struggle instead of doing something that takes two seconds and will help them.”

Meanwhile, user ‘PixelBitBot’ was clearly annoyed by Laura’s guidance, writing: ‘No one has the right to actively ask people not to do something that will help someone else because they think it’s ‘inelegant.”

But Laura did not sit back and take the criticism and replied that it had nothing to do with the right to everything, but with “the roles one plays.” She ended her response by saying: “Are you going around doing other people’s work?”

In another video, Laura comments that it is rude to blow on food. “Just wait for the food to cool down,” she says.

He adds in the same clip that you have to keep up with the pace of the other diners, “so that you all finish more or less at the same time.”

For more information about Laura, visit www.tiktok.com/@laurawindsoretiquette.

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