Home Australia Dingo attack forces tourist to jump on a car’s bonnet to get away on K’gari

Dingo attack forces tourist to jump on a car’s bonnet to get away on K’gari

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There have been more than half a dozen dingo incidents at K'gari in as many weeks (stock image)



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Rangers are searching for a dingo after a German tourist was bitten on the leg at a popular Queensland resort.

The man was forced to jump on the bonnet of a vehicle to get away after the bite left him with a gash on his shin.

The incident occurred while he was with three others visiting K’gari, formerly known as Fraser Island.

The group stopped at Gerowweea Creek on Wednesday to check the water depth before driving through, but did not notice the dingo approaching.

The animal bit and ‘mouthed’ the man’s right shin.

There have been more than half a dozen dingo incidents at K'gari in as many weeks (stock image)

There have been more than half a dozen dingo incidents at K’gari in as many weeks (stock image)

“The man suffered a flat laceration … and jumped onto the bonnet to get away from the dingo before getting into the vehicle,” the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service said.

‘First aid was administered by the team and the man was presented to the Queensland Ambulance Service at Eurong (at K’gari) but did not require further treatment.’

Rangers are trying to find the dingo and have increased patrols.

The incident comes just days after a tracking collar was fitted to a dingo that had been entering a gated community on the island.

The dingo was also reported to exhibit ‘high-risk behaviour’, including stalking and dominance testing.

There has been a spate of dingo incidents on the island, with one that had been tagged biting an 18-year-old woman on the back of the leg when she was part of a tour group going to Lake Wabby on the 17th. February.

Hours later, a person on a separate trip was nibbled while walking on the beach near Dilli Village, marking six dingo incidents in as many weeks.

Rangers have urged visitors to K’gari to be vigilant, never to walk alone and to always carry a stick.

Dingo incidents must be reported to rangers.

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