Home Australia An American-Australian woman criticised for a ‘totally false claim’ about something Australians are proud of

An American-Australian woman criticised for a ‘totally false claim’ about something Australians are proud of

American expat Renee Hahnel (pictured) claimed that coffee in the US is better than that in Australia

A woman has sparked a furious debate among Australians after claiming that coffee was better in the US than in Australia.

Renee Hahnel, who moved to Australia from the US, said the lattes served in cafes in major Australian cities were not up to par.

‘A very unpopular opinion about coffee… everyone says Australia has the best coffee,’ Ms Hahnel wrote online.

“I’m an Australian and American citizen and I believe that you can always get a better latte in the United States if you live in a city comparable to Melbourne or Sydney.”

The unpopular opinion sparked a furious response from Australians, who said US coffee simply could not compete with drinks from Down Under.

“I respectfully disagree with your article at all. I always get better coffee in Australia,” wrote one proud Aussie.

“I have yet to have a latte in the US, including any reputable coffee shop, that can compare to the average Melbourne cafe,” said another.

“In my experience, coffee in the US is terrible,” agreed a third.

American expat Renee Hahnel (pictured) claimed that coffee in the US is better than that in Australia

Ms Hahnel said she struggled to find good coffee during a recent trip to Melbourne.

Ms Hahnel said she struggled to find good coffee during a recent trip to Melbourne.

Others said they had a hard time finding good coffee in the United States.

“I’ve been to those cities and you have to look for it, but you can find some really good coffee. Here (in Australia), I fall in love with it on every corner,” wrote one.

“I lived in Boston for four years (moved from Sydney). I visited New York often and still had to find a good coffee,” said another.

However, some agreed that coffee in Australia was not up to par.

“One of the worst coffees I’ve ever had was in Melbourne,” one person wrote.

‘The best coffee I found in Australia was on par with what you’d find in a regular specialty store in the US.’

The debate comes as coffee shop owners consider raising coffee prices as businesses are pushed to the brink amid the cost-of-living crisis.

The average cost of a coffee in Australia is $4.78 according to a new survey commissioned by The conversation.

Cafe owners now believe the average price of a flat white could rise to $7.

CreditorWatch, a leading Australian business analyst firm, has predicted that one in 13 hotel businesses will fail in the next year.

CreditorWatch chief executive Patrick Coghlan warned that conditions will get worse for hospitality companies before they get better.

“The outlook for the hotel sector is unlikely to improve until we see an increase in consumer spending,” Coghlan said in a statement.

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