Home US Would you get a vampire vagina treatment? Expert reveals how ‘O shot’ injections of your own blood can treat everything from bladder leaks to menopause symptoms (and improve your sex life)

Would you get a vampire vagina treatment? Expert reveals how ‘O shot’ injections of your own blood can treat everything from bladder leaks to menopause symptoms (and improve your sex life)

Women's health specialist Dr Sarah Jenkins, from London, revealed on This Morning how a vampire facial for the vagina is said to treat bladder leaks and vaginal dryness.

A new therapy similar to a vampire facial for the vagina is said to treat bladder leaks and vaginal dryness.

Women’s health specialist Dr Sarah Jenkins, from London, who has over 10 years’ experience as an NHS doctor, appeared on This Morning to reveal how intimate health procedures can change women’s lives.

Dr. Sarah explained that she uses PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections to help rejuvenate the vulva and vagina after menopause or childbirth.

“This is not a lenient treatment, it is about managing medical symptoms for which there is no other treatment available,” he said.

She added: “We use little Botox needles, so it wouldn’t even hurt any more than Botox, and we inject it into the clitoris, which is called an O injection, and we inject around the vagina and that really helps rejuvenate.” the skin.’

Women’s health specialist Dr Sarah Jenkins, from London, revealed on This Morning how a vampire facial for the vagina is said to treat bladder leaks and vaginal dryness.

The O shot is injected into the clitoris, labia, and vaginal wall to improve sensation, reinforce vaginal laxity, and increase lubrication.

PRP injections use the patient’s own blood cells to accelerate healing in a specific area. It is an alternative to the use of hormone replacement therapy for those suffering from vaginal atrophy and related symptoms, such as pain, dryness, and recurrent bladder infections.

A blood sample is taken from the patient and the PRP is separated from the other blood cells and injected into the patient, stimulating growth factors, fibroblasts and a healing cascade that has been shown to improve many problems. common female intimate health.

One of Dr. Sarah's patients, mother of three, Gina Sigobodhla, was on the show to explain her own success story after suffering a

One of Dr. Sarah’s patients, mother of three, Gina Sigobodhla, was on the show to explain her own success story after suffering a “third degree tear” during the birth of her first child.

Gina, 46 (left), revealed she was struggling with low libido, incontinence and a complete lack of sexual confidence.

Gina, 46 (left), revealed she was struggling with low libido, incontinence and a complete lack of sexual confidence.

Dr Sarah explained: “If you take your patient’s own blood, it’s like liquid gold.” You inject it. That sends signals to the body to indicate that there is tissue damage.

What is an O-Shot?

A blood sample is taken from a patient and the platelet-rich plasma is separated from the other blood cells and injected into the patient’s clitoris.

Most patients who seek treatment may have symptoms of menopause, such as vaginal dryness or lack of sensation after childbirth; However, anyone can take advantage of the treatment.

Benefits of the procedure:

Increased sensitivity of the clitoris

Improve intimate relationships and sexual desire.

Improve lack of sensation after childbirth.

Rejuvenate the vulva

Improves symptoms of dryness, itching or burning sensation.

Used to treat vulvar atrophy.

It is used to improve the symptoms of lichen sclerosis.

Source: drsarahjenkins.co.uk

‘And because of that, all these wonderful growth factors in the blood appear and cause the collagen and elastin to reform. It thickens the skin again and also helps with natural lubrication and tightening it up a bit.’

The healing properties of plasma and platelets stimulate stem cells, creating new blood vessels and nerves.

One of Dr. Sarah’s patients, mother of three, Gina Sigobodhla, was on the show to explain her own success story after suffering “a third degree tear” during the birth of her first child.

After the traumatic birth of her twins, she suffered preeclampsia and began to feel like her body was no longer her own.

Gina, 46, revealed she was struggling with low libido, incontinence and a complete lack of sexual confidence.

However, after undergoing vampire vagina treatment, Gina said she feels better.

She said: ‘Most of the symptoms have reduced, for example going up and down to the bathroom at night used to be three, four or five times, also the dryness, that feeling has returned.

‘It was after three months that I started to feel like something had really changed. I gave all my trust to Dr. Sarah because the research was already done. ‘

Dr Sarah added: “It gives women back their quality of life.” If you wake up thinking how my vulva is going to behave today, how many changes of clothes I need to bring with me, how many sanitary pads I need to use, the sanitary pads I’m wearing are going to give me thrush, will I get diaper rash?, where is the bathroom? ?, How will I make this trip to work?, Do I smell urine?, these are the things women tell me.

“And they don’t have to have had a traumatic birth, they don’t have to have had children at all.”

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