Home US Why was Gavin Newsom conveniently front and center before AND after the debate defending Joe Biden?

Why was Gavin Newsom conveniently front and center before AND after the debate defending Joe Biden?

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After President Joe Biden struggled during the first presidential debate, California Governor Gavin Newsom was front and center to defend the incumbent.

After President Joe Biden struggled in the first presidential debate, California Gov. Gavin Newsom was front and center to defend the incumbent, denying that Democrats were seeking to replace him.

Biden, 81, stumbled and stumbled in the first presidential debate, losing his train of thought, sounding hoarse and fumbling for words as a composed Donald Trump rejected his arguments.

Newsom, 56, told DailyMail.com that claims he could replace Biden, 81, in November were “a farce”.

After the debate, the Democrat said on MSNBC: “We have to go in, we have to hold our heads high, and like I say, we have to have the backing of this president,” Newsom said. “We don’t turn our backs on him for a performance. What kind of party does that?”

But his appearance has sparked accusations that the governor was placed in front of cameras as part of a plan to replace Biden.

After President Joe Biden struggled during the first presidential debate, California Governor Gavin Newsom was front and center to defend the incumbent.

Former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said: “What we witnessed tonight was not an accident, it was intentional.” Get ready for a wild 5 months ahead.”

Ramaswamy has been floating the theory that the Democratic Party was planning to replace Biden since last year’s Republican debates in November.

At that time he said, addressing the Democratic Party: ‘Let’s end this farce today.’

“Joe Biden is not going to be their candidate. We know he’s not even the president of the United States. He’s a puppet of the management class.

Biden, 81, stumbled and stumbled in the first presidential debate, losing his train of thought, sounding hoarse and fumbling for words as Donald Trump rejected his arguments.

Biden, 81, stumbled and stumbled through the first presidential debate, losing his train of thought, sounding hoarse and searching for words as Donald Trump dismissed his arguments.

“Have the courage to step forward and be honest about who you’re going to name so we can have an honest debate. Biden should step aside now, so we can see if it’s Newsom or Michelle Obama or whoever.

‘Just tell us the truth.’

Many have even theorized that the Democratic Party wanted Biden to perform poorly from the start to create an exit strategy that would make Newsom the nominee.

Hedge fund manager Rod D Martin wrote: ‘1. Insiders knew Biden was like that.

2. They did not have to accept any debate. They certainly did not have to propose or present themselves at the first debate in history.

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‘3. So they deliberately humiliated Biden, but only after primary voters had no say, but far enough in advance of the Convention for party insiders to choose his successor before the fall campaign. This has been the plan for a long, long time.’

Bloomberg progressive columnist Erika Smith argued Newsom has been running a shadow campaign as an endorsement of Biden, citing his debate with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

“He’s doing what all presidential hopefuls do: He’s working on a memoir,” Smith argued.

As DailyMail.com previously reported, The main leaders of the party are privately pushing for Newsom or Michelle Obama to step in after Biden’s disastrous showing on Thursday.

Biden dismissed calls to drop out of the race last night, insisting the debate with Trump “went well,” but behind the scenes Democrats are in chaos with many pressing the panic button.

Ramaswamy has been floating the theory that the Democratic Party was planning to replace Biden since last year's Republican debates in November.

Ramaswamy has been floating the theory that the Democratic Party was planning to replace Biden since last year’s Republican debates in November.

Bloomberg progressive columnist Erika Smith argued that Newsom has been running a shadow campaign as an endorsement of Biden, citing his debate with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping (pictured ).

Progressive Bloomberg columnist Erika Smith argued that Newsom has been running a shadow campaign as a Biden endorser, citing his debate with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping (pictured).

Replacing Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate is possible, but it is complicated due to lack of time and the danger of a civil war in the party.

The Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago from August 19 to 22. Each state sends a set number of delegates to the national convention.

If Biden were to resign, the party would have to hold a series of votes among the delegates until one person reached 1,976 to be the candidate.

This would likely result in a massive fight for votes that would play out over several days and dominate news coverage.

Biden has 3,894 pledged delegates and only 1,976 are needed to be the nominee.

Under party rules, delegates assigned to a candidate based on their primary victories are tied to that candidate on the convention’s first vote, and that first vote typically results in a candidate.

So legally, Biden’s delegates have to vote for him.

However, if Biden were to withdraw, that would mean the nomination would be decided at the Democratic National Convention in August.

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